On Air


Friday Night Free-Form playlist for 12/24/2010

1) NOVELLER - Almost Alright / Kites Calm Desert Fires
2) WINTER DRONES - Bongs Dream / Watch Your Eyes
3) ROYKSOPP - Senior Living / The Drug
4) HYPE WILLIAMS - Blue Dream
6) TRISTEZA - Raise Your Gaze / Missoula
8) MASERATI - We Got the System to Fight the System / Bye M'Friend, Goodbye

and now for some x-mas tunes on x-mas eve!...

9) THE RAVERS – [It's Gonna Be A] Punk Rock Christmas
10) DAMNED - There Ain't No Sanity Claus
11) HISSING AT SWANS - Christmas Wrapping
12) COLDCUT - Coldcut's Christmas Break
13) DENT MAY - Holiday Face
14) BISHOP ALLEN - You'll Never Find My Christmas
15) BEST COAST & WAVVES - Got Something for You
16) STRAWBERRY WHIPLASH - Santa Needs A Holiday
17) EUX AUTRES - Merry Xmas Everybody
18) ORANGE JUICE - Holiday Hymm
19) ROYKSOPP - Le Cantique de Noël
20) DAVID Z - Christmas wish
21) SUPERIONS - Fruitcake
22) NRBQ – Electric Train
24) ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS - Christmas Song Remix
25) BEN BREEZE - Jingle Bells Remix
26) DOGS - Barking Jingle Bells
27) CATS - Silent Night

Bob Longman Show playlist for 12/23/2010

Sub shift - morning

Trim Mix Party playlist for 12/22/2010

top 90 part 3

Bluegrass Time playlist for 12/22/2010

6-8 PM All bluegrass Christmas music!

Everything Is Broken playlist for 12/21/2010

TODAY we will explore war from the standpoint of moral integrity, values and ethics. We will speak with Bill Felice, professor of political science and head of the International Relations and Global Affairs discipline at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, FL. He is author of the book “How do I Save my Honor – War, Moral Integrity and Principled Resignation” http://williamfelice.com/wff/home

We will also have an in-studio guest, Kate Valerio, health educator at the student health center here at Stony Brook University. We will try to make some sense of the present generation of college student, their culture, health and stressors. http://studentaffairs.stonybrook.edu/shs/

Music today … will let us dip into the fun side of Christmas and tip my panama hat to my Canadian roots with selections from LEON REDBONE’s “Christmas Island” album. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_Redbone http://www.leonredbone.com/menu_frame.html

Wake and Bake playlist for 12/21/2010

Frank Zappa's 70th Birthday. Celebrating by playing covers of Zappa songs performed by other artists on the Live Music Archive

Jim Dexter playlist for 12/21/2010

Jim Dexter Show for Tuesday December 21, 2010
"If you find that not many of the things you asked for have come, and not perhaps quite so many as sometimes, remember that this Christmas all over the world there are a terrible number of poor and starving people."
— J.R.R. Tolkien (Letters From Father Christmas)

J-Ro's Antique Roadshow playlist for 12/20/2010

Holiday Edition 2010!

Salvage & Recovery Radio playlist for 12/20/2010

Holiday edition

Soul Glo Bistro playlist for 12/20/2010

A Jazzy Christmas

Bob Longman Show playlist for 12/19/2010

11:30 am to 4:15 pm, except for women's basketball.

Beginnings playlist for 12/18/2010

If We Make It Through December "with new ears" #30

The Melting Pot playlist for 12/18/2010

A mini-Frank Zappa tribute in the first hour, some Christmas tunes in the second! Finishing off with a hilarious take on the 12 Days of Christmas, spoken by Frank Kelly! Happy Holidays one and all!! - Joe C

Ludwig Leopold playlist for 12/18/2010

Bry K fills for a distant Ludwig...

Free Software Round Table playlist for 12/18/2010

Playing from Chris Peters Boptronica CD with linux source code in the background from www.linux.fm

Sam Taylor's Blues playlist for 12/17/2010

Blues with a Feeling!!

Bustin' Out Blue playlist for 12/17/2010

The Winter Show