On Air

Everything Is Broken playlist for 06/28/2011

A BIT OF A DIFFERENT SHOW TODAY - our featured guest, Matt Thiel is a former pilot/Air Force Captain, and recent U of Michigan MBA grad. Matt and I will discuss the "militrary-industrial-complex"; a culture and economy built upon war; and why I am wrong about all of this! Hey, we haven’t had a conservative on our program in some time and its always good to get the other side. This gentleman’s credentials speak for themselves.

And … We will also hear from J. David Gray – our resident scribe. As we conclude our SYNERGY project, David has an essay or two that may or may not make the final edit. Today he will read an essay that we hope we can fit in. if you missed recent Synergy segments, be sure to view the images at http://tinyurl.com/lvgvsr or http://www.jimlynchphotography.com NOTE: for David’s other writings please go to http://word-smith.typepad.com/wordsmith

Music today is from New England’s blues belter Susan Tedeschi. She and husband Derek Trucks have a new band – Tedeschi Trucks Band (TTB) – they will play The Beacon Theatre in New York on September 10.