
Salvage & Recovery Radio playlist for 02/22/2010

Ticket Giveaways for Leon Russell @ B B Kings, Little boots @ Highline Ballroom, Nona Hendryx and Friends @ SOB's

Soul Glo Bistro playlist for 02/22/2010

Big Wayne doing what he knows best: Old school!!

sub.rad playlist for 02/21/2010

Bob Duffy playlist for 02/20/2010

Joe Vecchio filling-in
All new music for a new morning

Sam Taylor's Blues playlist for 02/19/2010

Extended Version of Sam Taylor Blues from 7:45-1pm

Bustin' Out Blue playlist for 02/19/2010

Interview with/ Ken "the rocket" Korb....and Big Al Allen

Infinite Audio playlist for 02/18/2010

(Filling in for Welcome to Reality)

Trim Mix Party playlist for 02/18/2010

underground hiphop source for the realness

Steve K playlist for 02/18/2010

Extended show till 1 pm...covered for Bill McNulty's Lunch on Thursday..... Get well soon Bill....Lots of requests,blues,soul,the only band that matters,etc.....peace

The White Room playlist for 02/17/2010

Baby, it's cold outside! This show features songs about the cold, winter, songss for Black History Month and songs for a Mardi Gras hangover party. Our birthday celebrants are Donovan, Peter Tork, Sonny Bono, Yoko Ono, Kurt Cobain & Nina Simone.

Everything Is Broken playlist for 02/16/2010

OUR FEATURED INTERVIEW will be with DON BEACHLER, Associate professor of politics at Ithaca College.
Beachler has authored numerous papers and articles on congress, elections and voter turnout, as well as two books on presidential elections: "Winning the White House, 2004: Vote By Vote, Region by Region. Coauthored with Kevin McMahon, David Rankin, and John White. Palgrave/Macmillan Press, 2005 and "Winning the White House, 2008."

We will be discussing THE TEABAGGERS: Media Creation or Grassroots Democracy”?

J. David Gray – our resident scribe will join us for another segment of our SYNERGY project. he will read his essay inspired by the image "feed me" - so be sure to view the image at or David's other writings can be found at

Wake and Bake playlist for 02/16/2010

Mardi-Gras special. I've been mining the live music archive for Mardi-Gras related stuff.

Salvage & Recovery Radio playlist for 02/15/2010

Tickers for The Meters at B B Kings, and Sam Moore at the Highline Ballroom