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Long Island Liberty, With BAM PlaylistsLong Island Liberty, With BAM playlist for 01/15/2013By Habanero on Tue, 01/15/2013 - 9:49amHabanero is filling in for BAM again this week, bringing you information and education about the business of healthcare finance. Featured information presented today is from: Healthcare and Profits, a Poor Mix (Eduardo Porter) Intensive Behavioural Therapy (IBT) for Obesity - see your various insurance payors. Almost all of them are covering this new ACA mandated service, so check with your plan. Auditing 101 - 3 Steps to Help You Uncover Missed Billing Opportunities With Internal Audits (The Coding Institute) Healthcare Financial Management Association - various stories on Walmart, Medicare Billing, OIG Audits ICD-10: Send the Right Message (AAPC Cutting Edge, Jan 2013) Long Island Liberty, With BAM playlist for 11/27/2012By Habanero on Tue, 11/27/2012 - 9:58amHabanero filling in for BAM today! Habanero is Sue Montana when it comes to healthcare financial programming. Here are some of the sources for today's program: Concierge Services - what are some of the concerns? David Zaret of Weiss & Zarett, P.C., 3333 New Hyde Park Road, Suite 211, New Hyde Park, NY 11042, (516) 627-7000. Hospital Rising from the Rubble - Joplin Hospital in MO after the tornado. HFMA.ORG LIVEWELLTHY.ORG - subscribe to this blog to receive a lighthearted message from a caring doctor regularly. Long Island Liberty, With BAM playlist for 11/20/2012By Habanero on Tue, 11/20/2012 - 12:49pmHabanero Filling In for BAM today. Featured discussions: The Doctor's Bag for the New Millennium, by Abraham Verghese, MD (Science Times) Medical Bills Rise as Records Turn Electronic, by Reed Abelson, Julie Creswell and Grill Palmer State Selects Oxford EPO as Essential Health Benefits Benchmark, by James Fouassier, JD (HFMA Newscast, hfmametrony.org) The Many Layers of Life, by LiveWellThy.org Long Island Liberty, With BAM playlist for 11/06/2012By Habanero on Tue, 11/06/2012 - 10:14amHabanero (aka Sue Montana) filling in for BAM today with healthcare programming. The topic of discussion is how medical practices fare in a disaster? My guest is Greg Nizich, Healthcare Account Manager at Custom Computer Services in Hauppauge. They are “Specialists in computer & network support for healthcare organizations”. If anyone has any questions, or would like any additional information, about anything Greg discussed today, you can reach him directly at (631) 761-1411 or via email at gnizich@customonline.com. Hurricane Katrina was a massive storm that impacted a large area of the Gulf Coast. The State of Mississippi Department of Health prepared a report titled "The Impact of Hurricane Katrina On Physician Practices and Health Care Provision in Gulf Coast Mississippi". Perhaps reviewing the reports "Conclusion: What Has Been Learned and What Needs to Be Done" we can head off some of the negative healthcare related consequences with relation to the mega storm, Sandy, which passed through the Northeast last week. Here's a link to the full report. Long Island Liberty, With BAM playlist for 10/04/2011By Chris Phillips on Tue, 10/04/2011 - 10:14amChris Phillips filling in for BAM Long Island Liberty, With BAM playlist for 09/27/2011By Habanero on Tue, 09/27/2011 - 8:54amHabanero filling in for BAM today featuring news and information regarding healthcare today. Contact Habanero with comments or ideas for future healthcare talk programming: habanero@wusb.fm For more information about some of the stories covered today: Pre-existing Conditions LiveWellThy.org - blog from a physician Gogol Bordello Live @ Coachella 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYE8Vjih2cs Long Island Liberty Calendar OCTOBER 3 MON @ 6:00 3 MON @ 7:30 4 TUE @ 7:00 6 THU@ 11:15 10 MON @ 7:00 16 SUN @ 10:30 Long Island Liberty, With BAM playlist for 07/19/2011By Richard LHommedieu on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 11:45amFillin by L'Hommedieu Long Island Liberty, With BAM playlist for 06/21/2011By Richard LHommedieu on Tue, 06/21/2011 - 11:04amFill in L'Hommedieu Long Island Liberty, With BAM playlist for 05/17/2011By Richard LHommedieu on Tue, 05/17/2011 - 11:01amFillin By L'Hommedieu Long Island Liberty, With BAM playlist for 08/10/2010By Richard LHommedieu on Tue, 08/10/2010 - 9:57amL'Hommedieu Filling in for BAM .. Hitting you with great sounds and some real SOUL food for the Lunch hour |