On Air

Tune in: High Low

Long Island Liberty, With BAM playlist for 08/10/2010

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Link
Sandy MackBoogie NowStill Going Strong*www.bluesleaf.com
Sand MackWonderingStill Going Strong*www.bluesleaf.com
Albert CastigliaDo you Love me?Keeping on*www.albertcastiglia.com
Albert CastigliaCould not ask for moreKeeping ON*www.albertcastiglia.com
Neil YoungCowgirls in the sandCrazy Horse
Jimi HendrixLittle WingAxis Bold as Love
JP BluesI will not go QuietlyI will not Go Quietly*www.jpblues.com
LingoKofi JamLive at Hoopeee Jam*www.lingomusic.net
JP BluesPoor Little Rich GirlI will not Go Quietly*www.jpblues.com
Chrissie O'DellSimple Kind of WomanIf I had A Dime*www.reverbnation.com
Lucky Peterson4 Little BoysDouble Dealinwww.luckypeterson.com
steppenwolfThe PusherGreatest Hits
LINGOSuperstitionLIVE AT HOOPEE JAM*www.lingomusic.net
Caroline AikenEverything can ChangeWelcome Home*www.carolineaiken.com
sam TaylorSummertimeLive at Paula Jeanswww.myspace.com
Freddie KingWoman Across the RiverUltimate Collection
Jimmy HallRendezvousLive at Hoopeee Jam*www.jimmyhall.com
Sam TaylorHey GirlBluzman Back Homewww.myspace.com
Jimmy HallSong 6Live at Hoopee Jam*www.jimmyhall.com

L'Hommedieu Filling in for BAM .. Hitting you with great sounds and some real SOUL food for the Lunch hour