On Air

Tune in: High Low

Long Island Liberty, With BAM playlist for 10/04/2011

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Link
steve reich/bang on a canfour organsnew york counterpoint-eight lines-four organs
moondog, steve reich, philip glass, jon gibsoni came into this world alonethe viking of 6th ave
steve reichmusic for 18 musicians (coldcut remix)reich remixed
steve reichdouble sextet movement 1: fastdouble sextet
theo blackman, todd reynolds, , phil kline, david cossinincomingzippo songs
your dj speaks
Ted Leo and the Pharmacistdial uptyranny of distance
hackamore brickzip gun womanone kiss leeds to another
the fore thoughtsshahbaz qalanderpakistan: folk and pop instrumentals 1966 - 1976*
group douehzayna jummazayna jumma*
patti smithsummer cannibalsoutside society*
necropolis of lovetalkbay area retrograde vol. 1*
your dj speaks
rubbleold dominionthe farewell drugs*
tor lundvalldistant childrenunder the shadows of trees*
ty segallgoodbye breadlive at wfmu*freemusicarchive.org
people like usthe sound of the end of musicwelcome abroad*
your dj speaks
battleswall streetgloss drop*
animal collectivei see you pan (excerpt)hollinndagain
anthony braxtongoodbye pork pie hatin the tradition
your dj speaks
controlled bleedingtrawler's songodes to blubber*

Chris Phillips filling in for BAM
Starting with a tribute to Steve Reich for his birthday