On Air


Workhorse Radio playlist for 12/11/2017

merry happy holidaze

Workhorse Radio playlist for 12/11/2017

merry happy holidaze


Soul Glo Bistro playlist for 12/11/2017

Rum punch mix of R&B

Jazz On The Air playlist for 12/10/2017

Hosted by Mr. Edison

Horrorscope playlist for 12/09/2017


Bob Duffy playlist for 12/09/2017

Bob Longman, bringing the Ho-Ho-Ho!


Trim Mix Party playlist for 12/08/2017

top 90 of 2017 part 2 that real hiphop boom bap

Fermented Radio playlist for 12/08/2017

Friday 10am to Noon

Denis McNamara sits in today.

The Loft playlist for 12/08/2017

Hosted by George Rudolph The Loft features the latest releases in contemporary jazz as well as legacy jazz, Rhythm and Blues, Funk, Soul, some good old rock and roll, and interviews with the players that make the music.

Mystery Train playlist for 12/08/2017

You won't hear any sleigh bells on this Friday's Mystery Train, which instead favors lyrics such as "Why don't you open your eyes and shut your mouth" by featured artist Carolyn Wonderland, a blues singer-songwriter-killer guitarist whose album Moon Goes Missing is one of my favorites of 2017.

The rest of the show is packed with other Songs of the Year, as determined by an extremely fallible, unscientific, non-peer-reviewed, opinion poll conducted by me.*

* So far, I'm the only one who voted. Come on, guys: PAZZ & JOP ME!

Radio 631 playlist for 12/07/2017

doing a show. everyone's got finals. i'm moving. i had hives this week due to an unknown allergic reaction. i feel beaten down and stressed. these tunes will help me. i know they will. they've got to

dj disappearing
love saves the day