On Air


Blue Grass Time playlist for 04/20/2016

2 hours of bluegrass starting out with a set of Merle Haggard's "The Bluegrass Sessions" in memory of this Country Music icon.

Psychedelic Jesus playlist for 04/20/2016

Fill in by goldenrod

Suburban Hymns playlist for 04/20/2016


Rock & Roll Rebel Radio playlist for 04/20/2016

Protesting EVERYTHING!

Progressive Solutions playlist for 04/19/2016

OUR SHOW TUESDAY; 1-3PM will primarily focus on the LGBTQ movement, and LGBTQ discrimination.

Joining us will be DON HAIDER-MARKEL. Don is professor and chair of the University of Kansas Dept. of Political Science.
His research and teaching is focused on the representation of interests in the policy process and the dynamics between public opinion, political behavior, and public policy. He has authored many publications in a range of issue areas, including civil rights, race and inequality, religion and the culture wars, criminal justice policy, counterterrorism, and environmental policy.

Haider-Markel is co-editor of the book "Transgender Rights and Politics: Groups, Issue Framing & Policy Adoption." In addition to his research on policy and the LGBTQ movement, he has extensively studied gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender candidates for office around the country. his book: http://tinyurl.com/zgqcrga

Street FM playlist for 04/19/2016

The Best Thing On A Mon Night/Tues Morning......

Jim Dexter playlist for 04/19/2016

Jim's Show for Tuesday April 19, 2016

Finn's Revolution playlist for 04/19/2016

A brief show on tonight's NY Primary night... Clinton vs Sanders... it's all spelled out for ya...

Purple Starlight playlist for 04/18/2016

Alternating Monday Mornings 2-4am

Polka Express playlist for 04/18/2016

Extra Section fill in for A few words 5:15-7:00 AM

Radio 631 playlist for 04/18/2016

Had a good time spinnin' some new tunes, +Ruchi for life and art convos. New Else bonus track! New Mat Zo! A lot of Danny L Harle! Some mixes I made. Some hard hits. Kinda moody.

Say Whats Radio playlist for 04/18/2016

With special guest: Sunshiner

Velvet Room playlist for 04/18/2016