On Air

Horrorscope playlist for 10/23/2016

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Pink FloydInterstellar OverdriveThe Piper At The Gates of Dawn
BorisHeavy Rain
Dan DeaconChange Your LIfeNew Now*
Pure XHeavy AirPleasure
ZammutoHe Feels So GoodNew Now*
Japanねこあつめ 猫咪后院【作业用】Neko Atsume*
WeenPink Eye On My Leg
Jimi HendrixAre You Experienced
BorisStatementStatement Single
LegzSuper K*
Material, Extrakd, Eddie DefRodent RobotsIntonarumori
Really Big PineconeSIDE BWhat was said about the pinecones*
Nero's Day at DisneylandDeath ParadeFrom Rotting Fantasylands
wolf eyescellar
Coilfire of the mind
kalman kantajayokuintuhat neulad*
oozing wounddiver*
Heartless Magnusmass prolapse*
Really Big Pineconechorus girl*
Really Big PineconeW.I.S.a.t.p*
Really Big Pineconebottom feeder*
Really Big Pineconenobody goes home empty handedWhat was said about the pinecones*
Gem Club252
weenmister would you please help my ponychocolate and cheese
the crampslets get fuckkd up
A Raincoatit came in the night
Earl SweatshirtCouchEarl
necrobeautiful music to die to
merzbowwood pecker 2
Die Antwoordbanana brain*
marioa holicopening

Feat. Interview with ERIC ANDRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!