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PlaylistsPolka Express playlist for 01/08/2017By Polka Jasiu on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 1:35pmChristmas Special III Sunday Street playlist for 01/08/2017By CBackfish on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 4:07pmA post-snowstorm edition of "Sunday Street" Jazz On The Air playlist for 01/08/2017By Mr. Edison on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 6:45pmTruncated Mose Allison tribute show. We'll try again in two weeks. China Blue playlist for 01/08/2017By cornflower on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 8:37pmCornflower plays the hits Fugue Atop The Mobius Strip playlist for 01/07/2017By cornflower on Sat, 01/07/2017 - 12:52amCornflour plays the hits apologies, but this playlist is totally out of order! perhaps if i listen back i will rectify. but that probably will get lost in all the millions of other worthwhile tasks. who knows what lies at the back of the page? The Loft playlist for 01/07/2017By cornflower on Sat, 01/07/2017 - 9:27amGeorge Rudolph filling in Bob Duffy 9-11am Bob Duffy playlist for 01/07/2017By gabruzze on Sat, 01/07/2017 - 4:44pmHosted by George Rudolph filling in for Bob Duffy Live and Unsupervized playlist for 01/07/2017By cornflower on Sat, 01/07/2017 - 10:33pmDJs Cornflower & Spoonfuls filling in for the Heuserdonovan amalgum Everything Must Go playlist for 01/07/2017By Kenn Toomey on Mon, 01/09/2017 - 10:07amThe first segment of 'Everything Must Go'-- Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 01/06/2017By Habanero on Fri, 01/06/2017 - 7:36amMy guest this morning is Peter Maniscalco and we're talking about shamanism. This will hopefully be an ongoing conversation. Please send your feedback, questions, etc. to habanero@wusb.fm Fermented Radio playlist for 01/06/2017By Ludwig Leopold on Fri, 01/06/2017 - 11:07amFriday 10am to Noon Continuing The Last Waltz in it's entirety. Our Last program on 12/16/16 only got as far as the second record midway thru side two, so here is the remainder this morning. Enjoy! Mystery Train playlist for 01/06/2017By CarrieBlank on Sat, 01/07/2017 - 4:24pmThis week's show features the Rolling Stone's December 2016 release, "Blue and Lonesome", their first real studio album in about a decade. The cuts are all covers of Chicago style blues, originally written and performed by the likes of Howlin’ Wolf, Willie Dixon, Little Walter and Jimmie Reed. Since rock and roll was born from the blues, and so many artists were, like the Stones, inspired to pick up instruments because of their love for the blues, I'm using the album cuts to springboard back to the original writers and performers. And because this playlist is decidedly estrogen deficient, I've added some powerhouse women to the mix. The Loft playlist for 01/05/2017By gabruzze on Thu, 01/05/2017 - 10:27amHosted by George Rudolph The Loft features the latest releases in contemporary jazz as well as legacy jazz, Rhythm and Blues, Funk, Soul, some good old rock and roll, and interviews with the players that make the music. Trim Mix Party playlist for 01/05/2017By cutsupreme on Thu, 01/05/2017 - 11:25amfirst trim mix of 2017 feat philo$oul |