On Air

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 06/20/2017

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
teenage fan clubi was beautiful when I was alive
fatsI'm walking
fatsI'm gonna be a wheel
GanglyHoly Grounds*
The Patronthe man with the shovel
Vokshow me*
al greenall n all
televisionmarquee moon
Bob marleynatural mystic
elnarlndrasometimes i'm wrongstories*
pretty fishyfishes and whales*
echolips like sugar
jason molinamemorial electricfarewell transmission*
big star13
skyway mansomeday*
jane weaverh a k*
angie wellspeel me a grape*
perelman ships cleaverpart 2improv trio 3
steve davisthink ahead*
patti labellepeel me a grape*
gratkowski nabatovprogress of notes*

Happy 40th wusb!!!!!!