Mr. X. Presents..... Playlists

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 07/03/2018

Another Captain Phil Phll in this time with Lt Phil, I've renamed the station WUSME!

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 05/22/2018

Lonnie was the KingPin, back in 1965

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 03/13/2018

Captain Phil Fillin' in for Mr X I hope to do a good job! Dig it!

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 03/05/2018

Thanks to all the listeners who came by on March 3 & 4 for our benefit concerts! Thanks to Bob, the artists, and 89 North!

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 02/13/2018

Fat Tuesday!

Dedicated to Felix! Thanks, man, for tons of great memories! X

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 01/30/2018

George Rudolph sitting for Gary

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 01/02/2018

cold war weather, indeed1

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 12/05/2017

Part 3

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 12/05/2017

Part 2

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 12/05/2017

I was out of my mind, and you were on the phone.

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 09/26/2017

Surf's UP! Six Decades in two hours

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 09/12/2017

Mr. X, the usual nonsense, since 1978! An EC production

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 08/30/2017

Turntables a hoy hoy!

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 08/15/2017

music - fill-in by Jim Lynch

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 08/01/2017

Have a nice day!

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 06/20/2017

Happy 40th wusb!!!!!!

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 06/06/2017

Mr. X Xtended!