
Fermented Radio playlist for 03/16/2023

Friady 10am to Noon

St Patricks Day Morning ... some tunes to get the ball rollin'

Erin Go Bragh .... Pogue Mahone!

Play It Forward playlist for 03/16/2023

We discuss the fentanyl/opioid crisis. We were honored to have Suffolk County Legislator Kara Hahn as our guest on 3/17/23 to discuss her extraordinary work for our community regarding this cause.

Steve K's Radio Kaos playlist for 03/15/2023

Late tributes to Wayne Shorter,David Lindley & Jim Gordon..HBD Elliot Murphy,The Soul Set,& Women's History Month celebration continues & St.Patrick's Day green

With The Beatles playlist for 03/15/2023

Todays show we look at some History, some new releases, plus a Happy birthday to Patti Boyd, Rockwell, James Taylor, Mike Love, D. J. Fontana, Michael Stoller, and Jerry Lewis.

Plus RIP to Jim Gordon and Richard Belzer from Law and Order SVU (Yes he sort of has a Beatles connection)

Plus a few others mixed in

On-Air Training with Cut Supreme playlist for 03/15/2023

hiphop overdose feat interview with kingdom kome

Global Rhythms playlist for 03/15/2023

The pre-Saint Patricks Day, thanks for the global music message Mr. Lindley, Welcome Spring & Daylight Savings Time and "Law Not War" Mr. Benjamin Ferencz Edition.

Hot Wax playlist for 03/14/2023

Blues At Dawn playlist for 03/14/2023


Blue Grass Time playlist for 03/14/2023

one hour of Bluegrass tonight 7-8 PM

Recess playlist for 03/14/2023

Off Topic playlist for 03/13/2023

covered by DJ Binky

Trim Mix Party playlist for 03/13/2023


The Spin Zone playlist for 03/14/2023

Music and interview with Mary Beth Carty as she talks about her new release Crossing The Causeway

Cafe`Ali playlist for 03/13/2023

Indecisive playlist for 03/13/2023

Alex filling in for Maria :)