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The Metal Spiral playlist for 04/16/2023

The best metal and rock tunes.

Unclassic Rock playlist for 04/15/2023

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tracks played include:

Bleach Lab - "Counting Empties"
Confetti - "Sports!"
Crumb - "Crushxd"
Cruush - "Wishful Thinker"
Darryl Lenox - "Sports"
DMA'S - "How Many Dreams?"
Flasher - "Eastern Ave"
Flyying Colours - "Hit The Road"
Fruit Bats - "It All Comes Back"
Go By Ocean with Tim Bluhm & Reed Mat - "One True Golden Heart"
Hatchie - "Dream On - Country Girl"
Izz - "Oh How It's Great"
Judah & the Lion - "Sports"
Laurie Biagini - "Hey Mr DJ"
Lights - "In My Head - dEd version"
Matt Purcell - "Do you remember"
Mazey Haze - "Back to the Start"
Mikaela Davis - "Far From You"
Moodoïd with Lottie P. - "Dynamite"
Overcoats - "New Suede Shoes"
Photon Band - "When I Fall Out of the Sky"
Pynkie and April June - "Scared"
Teleman - "Wonderful Times"
Temples - "Exotico"
Triptides - "Latitudes"
Yours Truly - "Bear It And Grin"

Sunrise Angels playlist for 04/15/2023

Tribute to Yukihiro Takahashi and Ryuichi Sakamoto
May they rest in Light & Life

Gabe's Flight playlist for 04/15/2023


Elegguá/Yoruba Andabo Ft. Regla Monet
Repica bien el tambor/El Niño y La Verdad + Adonis y Osain del Monte Ft. Rafael Navarro
Está bueno ya/El Niño y La Verdad + Adonis Panter y Osain del Monte
Asi son boncó (Joseito Fernandez)/Orquesta Aragón
Hasta la Reina Isabel (Electo Rosell) /Orquesta Aragón
El Paso de Encarnación (Pedro Aranzola) /Orquesta Aragón
Hachero (Oscar Urueta) /Salsa 220 Ft. Alexander Lopez
Guaguancó sabroso (Calixto Callava)/Salsa 220 Ft. Rico Walter
Como te quiero yo/Salsa 220 Ft. Rodrigo Mendoza
Aqui está/Edwin Bonilla
Ya te olvide/La Kshamba Ft. Anita Barroso
Quinto Mayor/Sonora Carruseles

Through A Glass Darkly playlist for 04/15/2023

Fripp, Alice, and Van Halen. In celebration of international guitar month, a long look at Robert Fripp with different phases of King Crimson and a wide array of other projects. Also Van Halen from both the Sam and Dave years, and, just because, Alice Cooper the band and solo artist.

Listen to the entire program at: https://on.soundcloud.com/Z8uom
Visit me on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/John.Alexander.WUSB

Trim Mix Party playlist for 04/14/2023

the filthy 50 and more

The Last DJ playlist for 04/14/2023

Marc Greene with a RadioThon Special Broadcast this Morning: Celebration of Scott Vid

PLEASE SUPPORT WUSB --- contribute at https://www.wusb.fm

A Visual Sound playlist for 04/14/2023

2pm-2:45pm. Radiothon. All vinyl mix. Pre-recorded.

Threat Level Midnight playlist for 04/14/2023

DJ TK and Alex are back!

Steve K's Radio Kaos playlist for 04/13/2023

Spring Radiothon please do your best to do your part to help keep WUSB percolating & bringing the best in free form radio...Bruce on the brain today plus The Soul Set & new music from Lucinda Williams & Lukas Nelson

With The Beatles playlist for 04/13/2023


Global Rhythms playlist for 04/13/2023

The Happy Birthday to you Steve K, We'll miss you Ben Ferencz (103 years young!), To the last Monkee standing Mr. Dolenz For Pete's Sake Edition.

Hot Wax playlist for 04/12/2023