On Air


Sunday Street playlist for 09/04/2011

Sunday Street is heard every Sunday morning from 9 AM untill 11:30 AM.

The Overnightmare playlist for 09/03/2011

Serve us with a smile :)

Bob Duffy playlist for 09/03/2011

Programming at WUSB for more than 30 years, Bob Duffy is still looking for the perfect pop song.

Gerry Riemer playlist for 09/03/2011

Saturday Morning


COOP Sky Blue playlist for 09/02/2011

Back to School During Wartime; Climate Change and more

Sam Taylor's Blues playlist for 09/02/2011

Blues with a Feeling With L'Hommedieu

Lunchtime playlist for 09/02/2011

Come on in the Grille is open! Still serving Stax Soul Singles as our feature.

Friday Night Free-Form playlist for 09/02/2011

listen to this program using Quicktime: http://bit.ly/wusb20110902qt
-or- listen to this program using Flash: http://bit.ly/wusb20110902

1. BEDOUIN SOUNDCLASH - Chance of Rain
2. BUTTERCREAM GANG - I Don't Know What to Say
3. ATTIC - War We're at War
4. CANON BLUE - Native
5. FOUNTAINS OF WAYNE - Cold Comfort Flowers
6. GOLD LEAVES - Hanging Window

8. TY SEAGLL - Goodbye Bread
9. WOODS - Pushing Onlys
10. PALEO - In The Movies
11. MILK MAID - Same As What
12. IDAHO - Structure
13. CITY AND COLOUR - We Found Each Other In the Dark
14. METRONOMY - Some Written
15. THE WAR ON DRUGS - Best Night

16. AMEN DUNES - Lower Mind
17. ARMY NAVY - Hunter
18. SHE KEEPS BEES - Farmer
19. TOTAL SLACKER - Crystal Necklace
20. CYMBALS EAT GUITARS - Shore Points
21. CYMBALS EAT GUITARS - Keep Me Waiting

Tonite's "Battle of the Bands" set: Jacuzzi Boys vs. Male Bonding...
22. JACUZZI BOYS - Vizcaya
23. MALE BONDING - Tame The Sun
24. JACUZZI BOYS - Automatic Jail
25. MALE BONDING - Seems To Notice Now
26. JACUZZI BOYS - Glazin

Mix Tape playlist for 09/01/2011

do ittttt

High Technology Radio playlist for 09/01/2011

smells like spilled beer

Steve K playlist for 09/01/2011

A mini- early farwell to Summer..B-Day nods to Ginger Baker and Buddy Holly and some psychedelic stuff thrown in..

An Eclectic Mess playlist for 09/01/2011

Lupa special in studio guest , the finest Reggae rapper on Long Island , last 40 minutes of show.