On Air


Into The Fire with JoJo playlist for 02/08/2012


Blue Grass Time playlist for 02/08/2012

bobanero filling in for Buddy tonight. Special musical guest Kim Humphrey from Free Grass Union will join me for an abbreviated show.

The Outer Library playlist for 02/08/2012

New Underground Independent and Self Release with your host Mike Gildersleeve every other Wednesday from 10pm - 12Mid

Mix Tape playlist for 02/08/2012


Everything Is Broken playlist for 02/07/2012

We have two featured guests today. First up is Nancy Franklin from the Stony Brook University Cat Network. In her spare time she also is an Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Experimental Psychology here at SBU. A Stanford grad, Nancy also does research in False memory, source monitoring,memory representation of described situations. While Nancy will be cajoled here today to come back and explain all that, we are keeping today’s discussion to a campus-wide initiative on a growing concern for cats turned loose on campus and responsible pet ownership.

Also today we will feature the upcoming Athena Film Festival, a celebration of Women and Leadership in New York City February 9-12 in Morningside Heights at Barnard College of CUNY. We will speak with Festival Co-Founder Kathryn Kolbert. Kathryn is more than just the co-founder of the Athena Film Festival and director of the Athena Center for Leadership Studies at Barnard. In 1992, Kolbert argued the landmark case of Planned Parenthood v. Casey before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Music today from Linda Ronstadt.

Jim Dexter playlist for 02/07/2012

Jim's Show for Tuesday February 7, 2012

Finn's Revolution playlist for 02/07/2012

Earl King, King Curtis, King Nesta Marley, King new stuff, plus roller derby girls LONG ISLAND ROLLER REBELS!!

The Rock and Roll Dance Party playlist for 02/07/2012

right side of my mind is degeneration, baby.

Sam Taylor's Blues playlist for 02/03/2012

Mark Klein's Fri. morning
BLUES WAREHOUSE (8am-10am)e.s.t.

Mix Tape playlist for 02/02/2012

indescribable for today

Steve K playlist for 02/02/2012

Shadows,Groundhogs,Johnny Otis,lots of instrumentals and Dylan covers ..some from the new Chimes of Freedom 4 disc compilation to benefit Amnesty Int'l

Blue Grass Time playlist for 02/01/2012

55 min. of bluegrass, interview with Gerry Katz from Boston Bluegrass Union-featuring artists performing at the 27th Annual Joe Val Fest. in Framingham, MA