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Jim Dexter playlist for 03/25/2013

Jim's Show for Tuesday March 26, 2013

The Eagle’s Song

The Return of the King, “The Steward and the King”. Said by an eagle bearing news to Gondor about Sauron’s defeat.

Sing now, ye people of the Tower of Anor,
for the Realm of Sauron is ended for ever,
and the Dark Tower is thrown down.

Sing and rejoice, ye people of the Tower of Guard,
for your watch hath not been in vain,
and the Black Gate is broken,
and your King hath passed through,
and he is victorious.

Sing and he glad, all ye children of the West,
for your King shall come again,
and he shall dwell among you
all the days of your life.

And the Tree that was withered shall be renewed,
and he shall plant it in the high places,
and the City shall he blessed.

Sing all ye people!
~J.R.R. Tolkien

Finn's Revolution playlist for 03/26/2013

It's Radiothon! Call in with a credit card pledge of $90.10 and get yourself an hour of prime radio time! Special guest legendary DJ Chris Philips!

Hectic Electric playlist for 03/25/2013

Brief Special Afternoon Edition!

Polka Express playlist for 03/25/2013

Extra section IV 9:00-12:00 PM 2100-2400

Purple Starlight playlist for 03/24/2013

Currently alternating with the Spin Zone on Monday mornings midnight - 3am.

Say Whats Radio playlist for 03/24/2013

Robot Radio Christmas show pt 2!!!

Hopscotch playlist for 03/23/2013

SXSW Recap!

Bob Duffy playlist for 03/22/2013

fill-in Dj : Bob Longman


Hectic Electric playlist for 03/22/2013

The best, freshest and newest EDM!

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 03/21/2013

Today I'll be talking about the breach at Old Inlet, just south of Bellport in the Bellport Bay. There is a lot of controversy over this new cut that Superstorm Sandy made last October. Here are some links and other info you may find useful if you are interested in this topic:

So if it isn't the breach, what is it? Here's one theory: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/imageo/2013/02/14/east-coast-sea-level...

It's not just the south shore bays! Check out these video clips from NJ and MA: