What2do Today Playlists

What2do Today playlist for 07/15/2018

this is r e c y c l e d

What2do Today playlist for 06/17/2018

Fill in (Robert Burmeister)

What2do Today playlist for 06/03/2018

hear we are, once again

What2do Today playlist for 05/06/2018

a disaster but you know what, it's cool

What2do Today playlist for 04/22/2018

kpop that i keep forgetting to play so HERE

What2do Today playlist for 04/09/2018

i based this entire thing over exid's lady cause it SLAPS

What2do Today playlist for 03/25/2018

~birthday edition?????~

What2do Today playlist for 03/11/2018

OG Transgender Fills In And Plays That Funky Music, White Boy

What2do Today playlist for 02/25/2018


What2do Today playlist for 12/17/2017

ohh man it's my last show for the semester~ idk who's going to be taking over but i imagine they'll do a pretty good job of keeping things up! here's some songs i happened to find and like at 3 am and some throwback songs

What2do Today playlist for 12/03/2017

the shape of water messed me up so i'm playing the soundtrack mixed in with some sweet old pop tunes

What2do Today playlist for 11/19/2017

this has been the worst two weeks of my life!!!!! so here are some relaxing tunes

What2do Today playlist for 10/22/2017

little to no english tonight as per usual ~ jewish rock and korean rap/r&b

What2do Today playlist for 10/08/2017

kr&b & cooking sounds from honeykki (very good cooking channel!!!!)

What2do Today playlist for 09/24/2017

i'm sad today so here's some ~soothing~ tunes and a "joy of painting" episode

What2do Today playlist for 09/10/2017

ohhhhhhhhhhh i'm back