On Air

Hot Wax
Tune in: High Low

What2do Today playlist for 12/17/2017

deanwhat2do (solo vers.)
chuckee.champagne cola
cucolo que siento
the strokescall it fate, call it karma
radwimpsbrain washing
japanese breakfasteverybody wants to love you
yeah yeah yeahsway out
winona foreverkeep kool
yung heazycuz you're my girl
frankjavceeso damn beautiful (ft. marionismagical)
sportswhatever you want
primajune gloom.
phony pplsomehow.
mac ayrescalvin's joint
declan mckennabrazil
parks, squares and alleyswe're not just friends
落日飛車 Sunset Rollercoastermy jinji
sticky rice別急著說妳愛我到天長地久
freckle, leo王不標準情人
temporexnice boys
cosmo pykewish you were gone
her'scool with you
japanese breakfastroad head
jay sombaybee
constant & change你好
chicano batmanblack lipstick
the libertinesdon't look back into the sun

ohh man it's my last show for the semester~ idk who's going to be taking over but i imagine they'll do a pretty good job of keeping things up! here's some songs i happened to find and like at 3 am and some throwback songs