Ludwig Leopold Playlists


Ludwig Leopold playlist for 08/25/2012

Summer Breeze would be just so right, about now...

Ludwig Leopold playlist for 08/11/2012

Da Da

Ludwig Leopold playlist for 07/28/2012

The Big Joe V Fill In


Ludwig Leopold playlist for 07/14/2012

Hosted by Mr. Edison

Ludwig Leopold playlist for 06/23/2012

I have nothing to say, and I'm just the man not to say it


Ludwig Leopold playlist for 06/09/2012

40th Anniversary Steely Dan Appreciation Show.

Ludwig Leopold playlist for 06/09/2012

40th anniversary Steely Dan appreciation special with John Tabacco and Nigey Lennon. Classic Cuts, Hits, Rarites, and solo material. 8 hours and still not enough time cover all the great Becker & Fagen songs. Oh, well, we'll try.


Ludwig Leopold playlist for 05/12/2012

Chris Phillips filling in for Ludwig!

Ludwig Leopold playlist for 05/05/2012

Hurray, hurray, the fifth of may, outside…

Ludwig Leopold playlist for 03/24/2012

Wherein we pitch, yaw, and roll, with tanks to David and pledges of mass construction fielded by Mr. Edison.


Ludwig Leopold playlist for 03/10/2012

Part Two of The Joey Baron Special, focusing on his own projects this time around.


Ludwig Leopold playlist for 02/11/2012

Joey Baron Special Part One!

Ludwig Leopold playlist for 01/28/2012

Heading to first from second, and rounding on to home.