On Air

Melting World playlist for 01/26/2025

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Label
4x3Blue LakeViermaldreiManikin
Acid Mothers Temple & Infinity Rising ZeroPink Ladies & GentornadoFree My Infinity Desire
Micheal StearnsFinaleBaraka-Music From the Original Motion PictureMilan
Tuna FishingDali:The Endless EnigmaCoriolis
Genesis Voices/Sacred Site ThemeSacred SiteHearts of Space
Jean-Micheal JarreOxygen Parts I-lllOxygeneDreyfus Canada
The Soviet Space Dog ProjectOut of PhasePhases
The WinterhouseAn Unknown SeasonAn Unknown SeasonData Obscura
WintersilenceLone SeasonSilent Intuition-Seeking RestEl Culto
The WinterhouseA Long Way From HereThe Unknown SeasonData Obscura
WintersilenceSeeking lll-VlSilent Intuition/Seeking RestEl Culto

“A Global Journey Within Your Mind”
This morning’s show dives into the electronic world with music from
Trigona (New Zealand), 4x3, U.S.O. (Germany),
Acid Mothers Temple & Infinity Rising Zero (Japan),
Jean-Micheal Jarre (France).
Sequencer synth from The Soviet Space Dog Project (UK).
The Cosmic Hour brings winter themed ambient from Winterhouse (USA & Canada),
Wintersilence (Germany).