On Air

Tune in: High Low

Melting World playlist for 06/11/2023

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Label
The CurePlainsongDisintegration (Remastered)
Pictures of You
RustDesert WindReturn
Paul Ellis & Craig PadillaEcho SystemEcho SystemGroove Unlimited
Erik WølloIlluminated RiverThe Le Paysage SingleProjekt
Alio DieThe Inner Fields of FragrenceSpirals Of LightHic Sunt Leones
Dissolved in the Grace of Presence
Robert RichFoothillsFoothills-Live on KFJC 5/28/14
TrajectoryBandcamp digital
Rüdiger Gleisberg & Mathias GrassowThe Legacy of the Sleeping ProphetThe Seer
Dirk SerriesNothingness (excerpt)The Fluctuation of BeingMidira

The Cure-6/20,21,22 MSG NYC
A few tunes from The Cure to open the show this morning followed by new releases from
Ludvig Cimbrelius's Rust (Sweden),Erik Wøllo (Norway) and Dirk Serries (Belgium)
Then a dive into the deep end of the ambient mind pool with the masters Alio Die (Italy) and Robert Rich (USA) with a long set from each. Collaborations from Paul Ellis & Craig Padilla (USA) and from Rüdiger Gleisberg & Mathias Grassow's homage to American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce-The Sleeping Prophet (1877-!945) in the deep drift segment