On Air

Hot Wax
Tune in: High Low

Plastick tn playlist for 10/24/2019

aquariumgorod zolotoy
Anna McClellanbut at the same time
jens lekmanjulie
thanks for comingthanksforcoming.bandcamp.com
jim sullivanufo
reptalienssong for moon
strawberry guymr magic
michael kiwanukahero
mega bogfor the old world
jack stauberview*
beach housewoo
sokosweet sound of ignorance
kelsey luim not in love
SiRnew sky*
soft haira gooood sign
lcd soundsystemoh baby (electric lady sessions)
john mausi dont eat human beings
bored nothinglet down
emily kingblue light (taylor mcferrin mix)*
desiremirroir mirroir
empress ofall for nothing
evans pyramidi want your body
future punxmanhattan loverboy
ALASKALASKAhappyface (joe goddard remix)*
taylor mcferrinnow that you need me*
sinkaneeverybody (alive at spacebomb)*
chassolles anneaux de saturne*
dumbo gets madvoodoo on gold*
liquid liquidnew walk
Nicolas Jaarproblems with the sun
you'll never get to heavenadorn
kinogruppa krovi
funkadelicmaggot brain
jonathan richmanits you

sometimes i forget how far away i am
empty scrolling
not even waiting on anything