On Air

Natural Alternatives playlist for 11/02/2018

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Laura MeadeConquer the WorldRemedium*
Elvis CostelloWhat's So Funny ABout Peace Love and UnderstandingWhat's So Funny ABout Peace Love and Understanding
Miles to DaytonStrength in LoveForces Unknown
Flor De LotoLocomotiveTempesta*

Natural Alternatives with Captain Phil interviewing Rev. Wolter

We'll be talking with Rev Dwight Wolter about Recycling, current events and the Spirituality of Peace Love and Understanding

A musical celebration featuring the music of Elvis Costello, Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens), Marvin Gaye & others.

Performed by Miles To Dayton Trio, Robert Bruey, Rorie Kelly, Anthony Pravada, Melanie Victoria, Craig Coyle, The Chancel Singers & a Surprise Guest!
