On Air

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 01/17/2017

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
miles davisdark magus
don cherryquintetcomplete communion
black marbleiron lung*
new orderceremony
rajkumar soundtrackhum hain rajkumar
sturqen curacoronet*
yestales side 2
dick rajamakersballae ericonig voor loudspeaker*
phil woods quintetover the rainbow
mangeshkarbagwad chapter 12
the nth degreetake my soul*
fasteau jordan roziesteering joyintuit*
the starlights soundsydneyout over nothing
alan wattsthe freedom to make mistakes
Fred Frith & Darren Johnsonluminescence*
angelo badalmentetwin peaks
ivo perelmanforest of feet and bass drums*
tameka reid quartetetoil*
slowdive40 days*
palmyou are what eats you*
gang of4damaged goods
john delafose and the eunice playboyspoor man 2 step
the doorsroadhouse blues
hooker/morrisonserves me right to suffer

I'm having a gas attack!!!!