On Air

Mr. X. Presents..... playlist for 07/06/2016

brahja waldmansniffling tears*
keefe jackson jason adasieewiczcannon nothing suite*
eric dolphy245
afro peruvian new trends orxhestrawarriors of the sun*
rent rombuscomposition 23j*
john rahngreek bones*
max roach anthony braxtonbirth
william belltake care of you*
the dik van dykesteenaged gumby
the doorsmy wild love
alan lomaxblack woman
crampsteenage werwolf
fleshtonesteenage zombie
dictatorscalifornia sun
sly family stonehot fun
bichcraftbig red robe*
attic abasementstatuses mess*
deerhoofthe magic*
a giant dogcreep*
stargazer liliessummer's gone*
dickieseye go?
max webstersummer turning blue