On Air


Bob Longman Show playlist for 01/11/2015

Joe Vecchio filling-in

Sunday Street playlist for 01/11/2015

Today's program highlighted new music from Scotland (with Dead Man Fall), Australia (with Paul Kelly), Mendocino, California (with Gwyneth Moreland), Woodstock, New York (with Tom Pacheco) and Bellport, Long Island (with Chris Connolly).

Bob Duffy playlist for 01/10/2015

Programming with WUSB for more than 35 years, Bob Duffy is still searching for the perfect pop song.

Follow Bob on Twitter: @RobertBDuffy

Fugue Atop The Mobius Strip playlist for 01/10/2015

I sell one bristle brushes. People
seeking two bristle brushes I send
to the guy on Amsterdam, who’s in a rush.

I may have one customer a year
for my one bristle brushes, a one-eyed
lover of tanagers, she may have

one dollar to spend in the moment
light’s neither day’s or night’s,
but one’s where infinity begins. Whoever

she is, she’s always painting barbules,
I’m always thinking, no one will notice
that they notice this, that her tanagers

move, that everything’s alive. We talk
care and feeding of the one
bristle brush. Care exists. I thrive.

Sam Taylor's Blues playlist for 01/09/2015

Mark Klein's Fri.morning
Blues Warehouse (8-10am)est.

Lunchtime playlist for 01/09/2015

Fermented Radio - 01.01

Fer·ment; verb fermented; past tense: fermented; past participle:
incite or stir up (trouble or disorder); "the politicians and warlords who are fermenting this chaos"
Entirely apolitical but not mostly about our favorite beverage. Find out what's brewing each Friday at 10am.
We'll also throw in a few tunes to quench your thirst.

Mix Tape playlist for 01/08/2015

mix tape makes it to 2015

best albums of 2014/ bands lost in 2014/ other junk that may or may not have existed in 2014

Fishing With Bill playlist for 01/08/2015

COOPskyBLUE sitting in this cold cold morning for Fishing With Bill. I hope he is warm and comfortable because it was freezing walking over to the Union this morning

The Bayou playlist for 01/08/2015

Its THE ARCTIC EXPRESS on the Bayou Tonight Kids - 17F degrees and the the Acadian Driftwood is movin' on...

Trim Mix Party playlist for 01/08/2015

that real hiphop

WUSB Alternatives playlist for 01/07/2015


Better Than Blue playlist for 01/07/2015

1st show of my 24th year! 2 Hours of new bluegrass music

Blue Grass Time playlist for 01/07/2015

1st show of my 24th year, 2 hours of Bluegrass Music