On Air


Steve K playlist for 05/22/2014

Bob Fest

Epoch playlist for 05/22/2014

With Special Guests Hugo Lopez and Chris Covais of Mind Open

The Long Island Scene playlist for 05/22/2014

Eve and Captain Rockit kick off The Memorial Day Weekend with a special show featuring some of the greatest party tunes of all time. Also featured were interviews with singer songwriter Dean Friedman (Ariel, McDonald's Girl), and Mary Beth Cronin lead singer of the bands Drive and Talk Of The Town.

Blue Grass Time playlist for 05/21/2014

2 hours of bluegrass

High Technology Radio playlist for 05/21/2014

Potestas Clavium 5:34 Secret Chiefs 3 Book of Souls: Folio A 320 kbps 5/16/14 11:55 PM Experimental MPEG audio file 3

Everything Is Broken playlist for 05/20/2014

Our program TUESDAY, May 20 will, like last week, be a mash-up of many items. We will feature Part 2 of an in-depth analysis of “Who is deciding USA foreign policy” … We will also update oure surveillance state, and examine the 9-11 Museum from New Yorker’s point of view.

Last week's show blog entry can be found at http://www.differentwavelengths.com.

Street FM playlist for 05/20/2014

The Best Thing On A Monday Night/Tuesday Morning.....

Jim Dexter playlist for 05/20/2014

Jim's Show for Tuesday May 20,2014

Wake and Bake playlist for 05/20/2014

The Infamous Stringdusters Live @ 89 North on 5-15-14 with Andy Falco and guest appearances by Tom Falco & Buddy Merriam. Also local artists that will be performing at upcoming events. Jerry D hosting this week.

Finn's Revolution playlist for 05/20/2014

Our friend Esther Anderson joins us for a chat about The Wailers, plus music that may really upset you....

Purple Starlight playlist for 05/19/2014

Currently on alternating Monday mornings midnight - 3am.

Say Whats Radio playlist for 05/19/2014

Special Guest: Him vs Her

Soul Glo Bistro playlist for 05/19/2014

Captain Rockit handles this weeks Bistro featuring some great Classic, Memphis, and a touch of Motown soul for a nice mix of tunes from The Time Machine.

Jazz On The Air playlist for 05/18/2014

Hosted by Mr. Edison


Sunday Street playlist for 05/18/2014

Our annual All-Dylan program to celebrate his 73rd birthday this Saturday. Since Dylan's fourth album, Another Side of Bob Dylan, will see the 50th anniversary of its release this August, we based our program on that album and the recording session for the album, playing tracks from the album as well as recordings from the session that were not included on the released album. We also roamed the extensive Dylan catalogue for other songs and included quite a few cover versions as well.