
Clam Radio playlist for 10/30/2014

Late Octobra stuff.

WUSB Alternatives playlist for 10/29/2014


Blues At Dawn playlist for 10/29/2014


Blue Grass Time playlist for 10/29/2014

Radiothon continues, 2 hours of bluegrass

Suburban Hymns playlist for 10/29/2014

Radiothon COVERed

Everything Is Broken playlist for 10/28/2014

Our program TUESDAY will center on “Iraq: The Sequel” … We will also take a look at the economics of our permanent war empire.

Our featured guest is Ivan Eland. Ivan is Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at The Independent Institute in Washington, DC. Eland is the author of Partitioning for Peace: An Exit Strategy for Iraq, Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty, The Empire Has No Clothes: U.S. Foreign Policy Exposed and Putting “Defense”_ Back into U.S. Defense Policy, as well as The Efficacy of Economic Sanctions as a Foreign Policy Tool. He is a contributor to numerous volumes and the author of 45 in-depth studies on national security issues.

Jim Dexter playlist for 10/28/2014

Jim's Halloween Spectacular for Tuesday October 28, 2014....sort of....

Robot Radio playlist for 10/28/2014

Captain Rockit fills in with a Radiothon special called "Raised On The Radio"

Soul Glo Bistro playlist for 10/27/2014

Old School the way it should be! Hosted by Wayne

Sunday Street playlist for 10/26/2014

On today's program, we featured a great new album of covers by Winterpills, new music from Jez Lowe, Jon Brooks, Bruce Cockburn and Yusuf/Cat Stevens. We remembered the late Jack Bruce who passed away yesterday, played some songs in advance of Halloween later this week, and invited listeners to support us with financial pledges during our current fall radiothon.

Nightmare Aquarium playlist for 10/26/2014

Fill-in by DJ Cornflower

Polka Express playlist for 10/26/2014

0535-0900 hrs.