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PlaylistsPre-Sunrise Mix playlist for 12/31/2014By Gary C on Wed, 12/31/2014 - 4:20amHappy New Year 2015 & Power To The People Everything Is Broken playlist for 12/30/2014By Jim Lynch on Mon, 12/29/2014 - 4:46pmOur program TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30; 1:00PM will be eclectic globetrotting, from Algeria to Cuba, from Ferguson to Staten Island, with topics ranging from racism to the militarization of our community police, to climate change. Plenty meat on these bones. Our featured guest is Linn Washington. Linn is a columnist for The Philadelphia Tribune newspaper; a freelance journalist for THISCANTBEHAPPENING.NET and other publications nationwide. He has just returned from a trip to Algeria. Linn is also an Assistant Professor of Journalism at Temple University in Philadelphia. Wake and Bake playlist for 12/30/2014By JoJo on Mon, 12/29/2014 - 5:29pmThe JOJO Filling In So Lets Get Our Wake And Bake On Jim Dexter playlist for 12/30/2014By Jim Dexter on Tue, 12/30/2014 - 7:45amJim's show for Tuesday December 30, 2014 Robot Radio playlist for 12/30/2014By Chris Phillips on Tue, 12/30/2014 - 9:24pmChris Phillips filling in Sunday Street playlist for 12/28/2014By CBackfish on Sun, 12/28/2014 - 4:26pmOur end of the year edition of Sunday Street in which we shared a few of our favorite releases from 2014. Steve Matteo, who writes about popular music for Long Island Pulse magazine, joined us in the studio. Interzone with Chris Phillips playlist for 12/27/2014By Chris Phillips on Sat, 12/27/2014 - 12:13amFugue Atop The Mobius Strip playlist for 12/27/2014By goldenrod on Sat, 12/27/2014 - 7:53pmIn the zendo Fishing With Bill playlist for 12/25/2014By Mr. Edison on Thu, 12/25/2014 - 6:11amGuest Hosted by Rosanne Hoffmann & Mr. Edison Clam Radio playlist for 12/25/2014By johntabacco on Thu, 12/25/2014 - 9:26amClam Radio Christmas Show (It happens.) Trim Mix Party playlist for 12/25/2014By cutsupreme on Thu, 12/25/2014 - 10:22pmit was a trim mix take over all christmas evening from 6pm till 6am we rocked the house in the tyme machine plus in rotation and the finale of the top 90 of the year 2014 Into The Fire with JoJo playlist for 12/24/2014By JoJo on Tue, 12/23/2014 - 5:28pmMERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE JOJO I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!! |