On Air


Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 05/08/2015

Wonderful guests today!!!!!!!

Sydney Swinson called in to talk about her new album and live performance schedule, which you can find at http://www.sydneyswinson.com/ !!! What an amazing voice and sweetheart, along with her sister Corey, find them both singing with Soundswell this summer!

Don Bracken was telling us about the One Guitar, One Day, One Good Cause Project, which features 29 songwriters playing one song each, on the same 1961 Gibson J45, on the Lutheran Church in Aquabogue NY where he hosts a regular songwriter get-together once a month (2nd Mondays). Find out about the CD release party on May 21st at the Vail-Leavitt Music Hall (631)727-5782. www.vailleavitt.org , www.facebook.com/1OneGuitar ... Thanks Fred Raimondo and Valery Levine for calling in the station too!!

Sacred Gardens Nursery Farm & Market annual Mother's Day plant sale and market is this weekend!!
Vegetables, eggs, herbs, perennials, annuals, and a host of other unusual and rare plants.
Come see the new Silkie Americana baby chicks and the two new bee hives and of course the goats
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
May 8th, 9th & 10th
10am - 4pm

Fermented Radio playlist for 05/08/2015

Friday 10am to Noon

Mix Tape playlist for 05/07/2015

Mix Tape playlist for 05/07/2015

the big nada

Steve K playlist for 05/07/2015

Spring theme

Trim Mix Party playlist for 05/07/2015

that real hiphop

Radio Free J-Ro playlist for 05/06/2015

fill-in for Suburban Hymns
MCA tribute Beastie Boys Block up top

Blue Grass Time playlist for 05/06/2015

A tribute to the late Tex Logan

Jim Dexter playlist for 05/05/2015

Jim's Show for Tuesday May 5, 2015

One Guitar....

Purple Starlight playlist for 05/04/2015

Currently on alternating monday mornings midnight - 3am.