
Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 06/05/2015

Got down and weird with members of Funknasty and Ladies Drink Free this morning!!

Funknasty played tracks off their new album Fuegonomics and did a bunch of live acoustic tunes. Ladies Drink Free played stuff off their 2013 EP Sit Down, Doggy and unofficially released the new single, She's Venomous!

The Number Station playlist for 06/05/2015

A bunch of skewed electronica and other nonsense

Oprah's Handbag playlist for 06/05/2015

squirrel bonding time

Bustin' Out Blue playlist for 06/05/2015

Free Grass Union

Mix Tape playlist for 06/04/2015


Steve K playlist for 06/04/2015

Mellow mood

Epoch playlist for 06/04/2015

Magma - Kobaia

Trim Mix Party playlist for 06/04/2015

real hiphop

Blue Grass Time playlist for 06/03/2015

2 hours of bluegrass with a good helping of the "hard core" stuff

Psychedelic Jesus playlist for 06/03/2015

grooves & tunes

Everything Is Broken playlist for 06/02/2015

OUR SHOW will have the luxury of a bit more time. we start at noon! We plan to examine various events of current note, from the TPP to the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. act, to a mind-boggling examination of the rules multi-national corporations work under relative to taxation both here and abroad.

Our featured guest is Lee Sheppard, contributing editor of Tax Analysts' Tax Notes and one of the nation's most widely read and respected tax commentators. Named one of the Global Tax 50 most influential players in international taxation in 2012 by International Tax Review, Sheppard specializes in financial issues and the taxation of multinational corporations. Her articles have included commentary on treaty issues, transfer pricing, European tax developments, and cutting-edge financial issues such as derivatives, hybrid securities, and hedge funds. Sheppard holds a law degree from the Northwestern University School of Law.

Time Slot playlist for 06/02/2015

chillin 3-4 special guest keepr 4-5:30 get odd 5:30-6

Jim Dexter playlist for 06/02/2015

Jim's Show for Tuesday June 2, 2015

Purple Starlight playlist for 06/01/2015

Currently on alternating Monday mornings from midnight - 3am

Polka Express playlist for 06/01/2015

Fill in for Workhorse 0700-0900 Hrs.

Say Whats Radio playlist for 06/01/2015

With Special Guest: Too Early to Tell