On Air


Sunday Street playlist for 11/22/2015

Today's program marked the passing of P.F. Sloan, Allen Toussaint, and Canada's Ron Hynes by playing some of their recordings. We also shared a powerful new song from Lynn Miles regarding the crisis with refugees from war-torn counties, as well as a new album from Sloan Wainwright and the issue of some recordings from a 1987/1988 Neil Young tour.

Bustin' Out Blue playlist for 11/21/2015

WUSB Stony Brook Concerts Radiothon Special

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 11/20/2015

Thanks Scott Trinkwald for the lift to the station this morning!

HealthyPlanet’s 22nd Annual Healthy, Green & Turkey-Free Thanksgiving Dinner & Lecture Celebration!

Sundayat 1:30pm - 6:00pm

This 22-year-new tradition includes a delicious feast made up of healthy, eco-friendly, sustainable fare lovingly created and brought by our attendees, together with offerings from local food establishments!

• So bring your family, friends, & YOUR BEST entirely plant-based dish, hear live music, and share an evening of fun, & growth.

• You'll arrive to a delicious Fall Soup, (generously created by 7 Angelica Farms), live music and friends -- old and new! After socializing comes the legendary Turkey-Free feast, made up of the delicious and creative, entirely-plant-based dishes brought by... YOU! Following dinner will be a talk by Dr Joel Kahn-- guaranteed to educate and enlighten.

• A Veritable Feast with friends & food galore! • Kids under 12 are free!

• This is the 22nd year of this very meaningful new tradition, so we look forward to celebrating with many of our new and old friends!

Fermented Radio playlist for 11/20/2015

Each Friday from 10am till Noon

Oprah's Handbag playlist for 11/20/2015

creme fraische - czech

Mix Tape playlist for 11/19/2015

Steve K playlist for 11/19/2015

Birthday nods to Duane Allman & Neil Young..mini salute to the great & sadly late Allen Toussaint...songs to reflect on

Trim Mix Party playlist for 11/19/2015

boom bap hiphop

Blue Grass Time playlist for 11/18/2015

2 hours of new bluegrass

Psychedelic Jesus playlist for 11/18/2015

It was a good day so far.

Everything Is Broken playlist for 11/17/2015

OUR SHOW will survey opinions and reactions to the sad events in Paris. We will also update the Keystone XL Pipeline actions by the Obama Administration. And … we are also going to count on our faithful listeners to support WUSB in our Fall Fund Drive.

Joining us will be Steve Horn. Steve Horn is a Research Fellow for DeSmogBlog.com and a Madison, WI-based investigative reporter. His work has been published at Al Jazeera America, Vice News, CounterPunch Magazine, TruthOut, TruthDig, AlterNet, Progressive Magazine, Wisconsin Watch and other outlets.
some of Steve's recent articles:




Jim Dexter playlist for 11/17/2015

Jim's Show for Tuesday November 17, 2015

Polka Express playlist for 11/17/2015

Extra Section Fill in for Overture 10:00-12:00Pm.

Purple Starlight playlist for 11/16/2015

Currently on air alternating Monday mornings Midnight - 3am.