On Air


No Apologies playlist for 10/15/2016

Birthday bash for Fela


Bob Duffy playlist for 10/15/2016

Bob Longman, fill

Blues Warehouse playlist for 10/14/2016

Mark Klein's Fri.morning
Blues warehouse (8-10am)est.

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 10/14/2016

Featured artist this morning is Funkin' A! www.funkin-a.com

SBA Loans still available until Dec 1, 2016 for Superstorm Sandy homeowners, renters, businesses and non-profits.
Survivors may apply online using the Electronic Loan Application (ELA) via SBA’s secure website at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela.

Additional details on the locations of recovery centers and the loan application process can be obtained by calling the SBA Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 (800-877-8339 for the deaf and hard-of-hearing) or by sending an email to disastercustomerservice@sba.gov.

Fermented Radio playlist for 10/14/2016

Friday 10am to Noon

Fall 2016 Radiothon --- Support WUSB by pledging at http://wusb.fm --- Thanks!

What2do Today playlist for 10/14/2016

honestly.... who knows anymore

Mystery Train playlist for 10/14/2016

Explore a diverse collection of cover songs and originals drawn from rock and roll, alternative, Americana, R & B and more, along with new music and interviews with women who make things. Celebrate the last two hours of (somebody's) work week onboard the Mystery Train.

Friday Night Free-Form playlist for 10/14/2016

Goat - Djorolen / Union of Sun and Moon / It's Not Me
Tcheep - Opium Song
MIA with Gener8ion - The New International Sound, Pt 2
Gorillaz featuring Shaun Ryder - Dare
School Daze - 100 Times (Daddy on Deck Remix)
Psychedelic - The Jack
Pond - Sweep Me Off My Feet
Temples - Certainty
Aldous RH - Sensuality
Dim Sum - Wake Up

Jay Som - Why I Say So
Wild Nothing - Love Underneath My Thumb
EZTV - States of Confusion
Grubby Little Hands - Driving Around
Winter - The View
Amber Arcades - Fading Lines
Ulrika Spacek - Everything: All the Time
Flyying Colours - Mindfullness / Long Holiday
Wild Nothing - To Know You
Pinkshinyultrablast - Grandfeathered

Oberhofer - Sun Halo
Allah-Las - Autumn Dawn
The Galileo 7 - Orangery Lane
Maybird - Turning Into Water
Coloured Clocks - Everything's Right / You Belong There
The Orange Drop - J'admets (I Admit)

Ultimate Painting - Lead The Way
Phish - Breath And Burning

Rockin' Iration playlist for 10/14/2016

Friday nights 7-9pm on WUSB kick off your weekend enjoyment with RastafarI culture and reggae music! DJ Kibret Neguse brings you the newest in artists and songs, and each week features the "Blazing Hot Track of the Night". Tonight's selection comes from Sycorah with her single "Skin". Other great new tracks from NY based artistes Screechy Dan, Shaggy, Red Fox, Rayvon, RSNY, and many more!

Mix Tape playlist for 10/13/2016

The Loft playlist for 10/13/2016

The Loft with George Rudolph. Smooth and contemporary jazz and a few surprises every other week from 3-6am.

Clam Radio playlist for 10/13/2016

A happy 75th to Paul Simon. And our guest today is singer songwriter, musical diplomat Toby Tobias.

Trim Mix Party playlist for 10/13/2016

best in that boom bap hiphop with special guest blahzay blahzay

Captain Phil's Planet! playlist for 10/13/2016

Captain Phil's Radiothon Planet! Special In Studio Guest Anne Marie Strauss talks about Speech therapy and more. Plus new music by Rikard Sjoblom, Necromonkey, Bent Knee and the Sean V Syndicate

The Bayou playlist for 10/13/2016

Special Radiothon Edition with a Martin Barre Interview & Special