On Air


Bob Longman Show playlist for 08/14/2022

Bob Longman, fill-in

Jazz On The Air playlist for 08/14/2022

Hosted by Mr. Edison & Rosanne Hoffmann

Street Hassle with Chunky Gomez playlist for 08/14/2022

Last Issue Collectors Item!

The End of Radio playlist for 08/13/2022


Bob Duffy playlist for 08/13/2022

Bob Longman, ghost-host

Trim Mix Party playlist for 08/12/2022

filthy 50 plus exclusives and more

Fermented Radio playlist for 08/12/2022

Friday 10am to Noon

Zero's Greg Anton and Steve Kimock join for the second hour.


Unclassic Rock playlist for 08/12/2022

tracks played include:

Band Spectra & The Anchoress - "Human Reciprocator"
Cari Cari - "Welcome To Kookoo Island"
Cheekface - "When Life Hands You Problems"
The Doors - "The Changeling "
Eric Copeland & Josh Diamond - "TA"
Gift - "Gumball Garden"
Graham Kartna - "Mai Donkey / Only At Your Convenience"
Hether - "The Living Eye" / "Dirty Claws"
Hot Chip - "Freakout/Release"
Jordana - "I Mean That"
LaPêche - "Mermaid Blues"
Lawn - "Night Life"
The Lemons - "Best Day"
The Linda Lindas - "Nino"
The London Suede - "15 Again"
Milly - "Ring True"
Momma - "Lucky"
NoSo - "Parasites"
Pale Blue Eyes - "Little Gem"
Photon Band - "Whatamisupposedtodo?"
Psychlona - "La Tolvanera"
Sports Team - "The Game"
Stereolab & Nurse With Wound - "Simple Headphone Mind"
Tallies - "Special"
Tangerine Stoned - "Venice"

The "In" Crowd playlist for 08/11/2022

The player was on shuffle this morning.

Clam Radio playlist for 08/11/2022

Some complaints, bluesy stuff, 40's along with more bizarro segments only heard here on Clam Radio.

On-Air Training with Cut Supreme playlist for 08/11/2022

keebla's birthday bash

Trim Mix Party playlist for 08/11/2022

xtra hour