
Finn's Revolution playlist for 02/28/2012

Tonight on The Revolution, Ali Silva and James Rieser star in the classic radio play "Sorry, Wrong Number" featuring music by Charlie Rauh and Concetta Abbate, plus I got tons of freakin' tunes to make your head spin!

The Rock and Roll Dance Party playlist for 02/28/2012

'can't miss with the in-crowd, so turn me up loud. i got a...'

Purple Starlight playlist for 02/27/2012

Currently alternating with the Spin Zone Monday mornings midnight - 3am.

Soul Glo Bistro playlist for 02/27/2012

Back in the saddle with R&B. Featuring Wayne

Down Home Country playlist for 02/26/2012

15 minute show (11:30-11:45am) before Seawolves game

Mrs Chester's Coffeehouse playlist for 02/26/2012

The no-theme show. just 20s thru 40s and beyond like the blurb sez.

Black Light playlist for 02/26/2012

*Denotes New Music

No Apologies playlist for 02/25/2012

Includes an impromptu on air Beth Custer Birthday Party.

Beginnings playlist for 02/25/2012

The Buggles - I Am A Camera "with new ears" #59

Primordial Sandwich playlist for 02/25/2012

6 to 930 Tech training demo recording fill in marathashamalabadongindingongisdni!!!!!!!!

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 02/24/2012

Substance Abuse - special programming. This is a copy of the interview that aired on 1/27/12.

Seal walks!!! Sat & Sun this weekend in Westhampton Beach. registration required or call 631-244-3352

Bayscaping Resources:

Neighborhood Network Organic Landscapers List:

Local Nurseries:
• Fort Pond Native Plants (
• Marders (
• Peconic River Herb Farm (

Brooklyn Botanical Garden Alternatives to Invasives:

Suffolk County Invasive Plants List:

Town of East Hampton’s Project SAVE (native plants and their habitats):

Natural Resources Defense Council:


Garden Designers:
• Thomas Muse (
• Suzanne Ruggles (

Lunchtime playlist for 02/24/2012

Celebrating African American Heritage Month all February on "In The Morning"

Part Three of "The Long Road to Freedom- An Anthology of Black Music" covering the Civil War Period, and Country Moods of the Post War era.

Oprah's Handbag playlist for 02/24/2012