On Air


Steve K playlist for 07/19/2012

Old school for first hour..TYA, Savoy Brown,J Geils,Stones..etc.

Global Rhythms playlist for 07/19/2012

The Happy 94th Birthday Nelson "Madiba" Mandela installment; 60% of the continental US is currently in drought conditions! Get out on that caravan to see the Stars of Warburton - We're All Light.

Mix Tape playlist for 07/19/2012

deer dear

Cafe`Ali playlist for 07/18/2012

Remembering Kitty Wells, Bob Babbit, John Lord, and Wishes For Nelson Mandela's Birthday

Blue Grass Time playlist for 07/18/2012

6-8 PM Bluegrass Music!

Everything Is Broken playlist for 07/17/2012

Our featured guest is Tom Kriger. Tom is a Professor of Labor Studies at National Labor College, Silver Spring, MD. He has taught at Hunter College, Brooklyn College, Saint Lawrence Univ., Providence College and the Univ. of Northern Colorado. Tom and I will discuss the current state of organized labor in the USA and his recently authored labor research paper on the construction industry: “An Analysis of Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)." Tom's full bio can be found at http://www.nlc.edu/faculty.html; his report and other labor data at http://www.knowyourabc.com

For our music … LA rock band The Wallflowers, fronted by Jakob Dylan - from their 2005 CD, “Rebel, Sweetheart.”

Jim Dexter playlist for 07/17/2012

Jim's Show for Tuesday, July 17 2012

Finn's Revolution playlist for 07/17/2012

Tonight, Stony Brook Film Festival director ALAN INKLES talks movies; film director STAN WARNOW talks about his new film about his dad, crazy & brilliant composer/inventor RAYMOND SCOTT. Plus tickets for The Film Fest, Buckwheat Zydeco, & Pure Prairie League... tune in!

The Rock and Roll Dance Party playlist for 07/17/2012

retard hoedown.

Purple Starlight playlist for 07/16/2012

Currently alternating Monday mornings with the Spin Zone

Salvage & Recovery Radio playlist for 07/16/2012

Guest hosted by Mr. Edison