On Air


Hectic Electric playlist for 11/24/2012

EDM So fresh that it makes a green banana look rotten....

Lunchtime playlist for 11/23/2012

Fridaze 10am to Noon --- BLACK Fried Day Edition

Mix Tape playlist for 11/22/2012

all night turkey jerks

Steve K playlist for 11/22/2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Pre-Sunrise Mix playlist for 11/21/2012

Rest in Peace JFK, JBR, JH and others.... Happy Holidays to those still alive.

Cafe`Ali playlist for 11/21/2012

Tribute to Jimi Hendrix, celebrating his 70th Birthday.


Blue Grass Time playlist for 11/21/2012

2 hours of bluegrass music 6-8 PM songs and tunes about food & thanks

Suburban Hymns playlist for 11/21/2012

some car songs for your travels

Everything Is Broken playlist for 11/20/2012

Our featured guest is Mark Rice. Mark is Professor and Chair of American Studies at St. John Fisher College in Rochester where he specializes in the history of photography, twentieth-century American culture, and transnational American Studies.

Mark and I will discuss his blog “Ranking America” – a treasure trove of information on how the USA matches up to other nations on a vast variety of topics. He is the author of Through the Lens of the City: NEA Photography Surveys of the 1970s and several scholarly articles. If time permits we will hear a bit about his most recent work on the USA colonial regime in the Philipines.

Mark Rice has been a contributor to Forbes magazine and to Newsweek International and increasingly The Huffington Post.
Ranking America (on Twitter as @RankingAmerica)

And …we will also speak with our Senior Florida Correspondent, Steven Wiehe.

For our music … blues slide guitarist from SW Louisiana, Sonny Landreth.

Street FM playlist for 11/20/2012

The Best Thing On A Monday Night/Tuesday Morning....... StreetFM

Jim Dexter playlist for 11/20/2012

Jim's Show for Tuesday November 20,2012

Long Island Liberty, With BAM playlist for 11/20/2012

Habanero Filling In for BAM today.

Featured discussions:

The Doctor's Bag for the New Millennium, by Abraham Verghese, MD (Science Times)

Medical Bills Rise as Records Turn Electronic, by Reed Abelson, Julie Creswell and Grill Palmer

State Selects Oxford EPO as Essential Health Benefits Benchmark, by James Fouassier, JD (HFMA Newscast, hfmametrony.org)

The Many Layers of Life, by LiveWellThy.org

Purple Starlight playlist for 11/19/2012

Currently alternating with the spin zone on Monday mornings Midnight - 3am

Paid For By The Young Amerikans 4 Freedom. playlist for 11/19/2012

Rando fill in 3 to 5pm monday before giving

Bed Music
-Liquid Liquid "Groupmegroup"
-Deerhoof "There's That Grin"
-Dion and the Belmontes "I Wonder Why"
-The Chemical Bros "Life is Sweet"