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PlaylistsLunchtime playlist for 08/30/2013By Ludwig Leopold on Fri, 08/30/2013 - 10:44amFriday 10am to Noon John Townley (http://www.astrococktail.com) our Guest In-Studio all show Mix Tape playlist for 08/29/2013By MixTape on Wed, 08/28/2013 - 11:18pmSteve K playlist for 08/29/2013By paul n on Thu, 08/29/2013 - 8:47amPaul Newland of "Suburban Hymns" filling in Blue Grass Time playlist for 08/28/2013By Buddy Merriam on Wed, 08/28/2013 - 3:01pm6-8 PM Tonight a tribute to the late Ernie Sykes Sr. B-side playlist for 08/28/2013By BobbL on Fri, 08/30/2013 - 9:05pmfill: Bob Longman, Surprise Radio Ad Nauseam, 10-12 mid All Local musicians, various eras. Everything Is Broken playlist for 08/27/2013By Jim Lynch on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 9:11pmOur program TUESDAY, AUGUST 27 - 1-3:00PM EDT will focus on ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council), the highly controversial conservative group that provides model legislation written by corporations pushing a pro-corporate agenda. Our featured guest is Michael O’Brien, founder & principal of MOB Advocacy, a full-service, multi-state government relations firm located in Fairfax City, Virginia. He is a state & local lobbyist. Michael brings over ten years of state and local government relations experience working with corporations, national trade associations and non-profit organizations. Michael has lobbied governors, mayors, legislators, state and local agencies and regulators in over 40 states. For our music we will dig deep into the WUSB bin for some blues from The Paul Butterfield Blues Band. Jim Dexter playlist for 08/27/2013By Jim Dexter on Tue, 08/27/2013 - 5:01amJim's show for Tuesday August 27, 2013 Finn's Revolution playlist for 08/27/2013By Finn on Tue, 08/27/2013 - 5:30pmNew stuff to win from cool toy pianist Phyllis Chen (http://www.phyllischen.net) and old punk rocker Bob Dylan! And it's MILEY-thon!! Trim Mix Party playlist for 08/26/2013By cutsupreme on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 7:41amTHIS WEEK ON THE TRIM MIX WE COUNTED DOWN THE TOP 15 UNDERGROUND BOOM BAP JOINTS OF THE WEEK PLUS Say Whats Radio playlist for 08/26/2013By DJ JD on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 2:44pmSummer's almost over : ( Salvage & Recovery Radio playlist for 08/26/2013By Mr. Edison on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 7:27pmElvis Costello Birthday Bash Soul Glo Bistro playlist for 08/26/2013By Soul Glo Bistro on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 9:33pmDigging all across the board |