Hypnosmoothie Radio Playlists

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 05/23/2018

Cafe Ali

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 05/09/2018

Cafe Ali

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 03/07/2018

Empire Files: How Lobbyists Weaponized Transparency


There are 26 registered lobbyists for every elected representative on the hill, with experts suggesting the true amount is closer to 100,000.

Yet transparency laws that people believe help combat this system of pay-to-play politics have been weaponized against them to further cement corporate control.

Congressional researcher James D’Angelo argues how the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970, which opened up politicians voting records–has only helped special interests and corporations.


I spontaneously released a song on the air today =)
My Oh My can be heard by going to www.paulinegreen.us

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 12/27/2017

Interview with Brendon Henry as part of our series to let you hear from all congressional candidates for the Democratic primary race of 2018.

Reach out to Brendon at www.BrendonHenry.com

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 12/13/2017

The Ralph Nader Radio Hour is a weekly talk show broadcast on the Pacifica Radio Network, and is available as a podcast on iTunes. Ralph Nader is joined by co-hosts Steve Skrovan and David Feldman for a lively informative hour of interviews with some of the nation’s most influential movers and shakers, and thought provoking discussions of the weeks news.

* Ralph Nader is an American political activist of Lebanese origin, as well as an author, lecturer, and attorney. Areas of particular concern to Nader include consumer protection,humanitarianism, environmentalism, and democratic government.

Nader came to prominence in 1965 with the publication of his book Unsafe at Any Speed, a critique of the safety record of American automobile manufacturers in general, and particularly the first-generation Chevrolet Corvair. In 1999, a New York University panel of journalists ranked Unsafe at Any Speed 38th among the top 100 pieces of journalism of the 20th century.[7]

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 11/29/2017

For the keynote presentation by Professor Mickey Huff, director of Project Censored on "Critical Media Literacy Education: The Antidote to 'Fake' News, Propaganda, and Censorship in a Post-Truth World" and much more, go to www.projectcensored.org

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 11/15/2017

Special show of the Independence Day of Brazil! Just kidding, that's all I'll be saying about that. For now.

New single by Rorie Kelly, Alternative Facts, is available at https://roriekelly.bandcamp.com/track/alternative-facts

Today my guest for the show is Greg Fischer,
Publisher of New York's returning investigative journalism newspaper: The Political Patriot. Find Greg here: https://www.facebook.com/gregfischerUS

This I'm not covering on this particular episode, though you should know:

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 11/01/2017

Here with me discussing his involvement with The Bioneers Conference and the Oslo Freedom Forum is James Skidmore.
Last program before election, we encourage individual and collective community action.

Chairman of the Patchogue street festival ALIVE AFTER FIVE
President of the Patchogue Chamber of Commerce
General Manager TOAST COFFEE HOUSE also in P-town

I promised new links to additional information on the CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION:

Myths and realities of a constitutional convention
Updated October 24, 2017 6:01 AM
By The Editorial Board of Newsday: https://www.newsday.com/opinion/editorial/myths-and-realities-of-a-new-y...

NY People’s Convention is an opportunity for all citizens to discuss major issues and work together on progressive solutions that can restore pride in our government and make New York a policy leader for the nation once again. If we want real, transformative change then we need to take transformative action. That means going around the lobbyists and special interests and bringing democracy directly to the people. We have that opportunity this November!

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 10/18/2017

Radiothon special on the Constitutional Convention explained, feat. League of Women Voters representatives Nancy Marr and Carol Mellor.

New York State’s Constitutional Convention Question: Get the Facts (9/22/2017): http://www.lwvny.org/programs-studies/concon/2017/ConstitutionalConven_b...

Press Release: LWVNYS to Support 2017 Con Con Ballot Proposal (3/27/2017) : http://www.lwvny.org/programs-studies/concon/2017/Press-Con-con_032717.p...

To find out more about Con Con Education, Click here: http://www.lwvny.org/programs-studies/con-con-edu.html

Every 20 years New York state constitution sets a state-wide referendum on whether or not to convene a Constitutional Convention.

On November 7th this will be one of the 3 ballot propositions on the ballot.

Ours hasn’t been amended since 1938, and unlike other states, NY doesn’t have a process where We The People of NYS can introduce amendments through referendums.

Legislature has failed to pass many laws to protect and defend our rights because NYS is governed by 3 man in a room:

- the governor
- the speaker of the assembly
- the senate majority leader

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 09/06/2017

Happy hump day! Much to share this morning as I have been away for a month and missed a couple programs….thank you fellow wusbees for hanging in there for me - so much has been happening!

Bringing it to the local level because that'e where our community is at, today you've heard a chat with Cindy Morris, candidate for Town Clerk in the Town of Brookhaven! I also be rambled about the Red Light Camera Program, the Red Cross, and the Red and Blue fight for the Green ballot line in Huntington!

Brought on the sounds by Rita Di Tizio, who’s jazz trio I came across during my recent Tuscany travels!

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 08/23/2017

Captain Phil Phillin' In for Pauline with a rare Wednesday version of Captain Phil's Planet making a visit on Hypnosmoothie Radio. SOme Prog, and an interview with author James Morrow where we talk Nuclear War. All this and more on WUSB

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 06/28/2017

Today we're after the illegal aliens!! Oh no, not talking about the #WhiteBan , which would've saved 100 million Native Americans lives and 12.5 million slaves. I'm talking about invasive plants! Thanks for nerding out with me on plants and much more! Here's the list of useful links to find out what to do about those pests:

iMapInvasives is an on-line, GIS-based data management system used to assist citizen scientists and natural resource professionals working to protect our natural resources from the threat of invasive species. - http://www.imapinvasives.org/ and http://www.nyimapinvasives.org/

The Pollinator Partnership - http://www.pollinator.org/

The Long Island Invasive Species Management Area (including Staten Island and other Coastal Islands) - http://www.liisma.org/

New York Invasive Species Information funded by New York State Environmental Protection Fund - http://www.nyis.info/

Invasive Plant Management Decision Analysis Tool - http://www.ipmdat.org/

The Xerces Society - https://xerces.org/

Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species - http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/48221.html

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 06/14/2017

To watch "Fix It: Healthcare At The Tipping Point" again, please visit http://fixithealthcare.com/

A powerful documentary that reaches across the political and ideological divide. It makes the case for business leaders support for major healthcare reform.

This week I feature "Fix It: Healthcare At The Tipping Point" because in New York we could make Universal Healthcare a reality, if Long Island's State Senator Kemp Hannon, who is currently the chair of the Healthcare Committee, stopped sitting on the bill and brought it to a vote on the Senate floor before the session ends, on June 21st.

The number to reach him is (518) 455-2200. Ask for his support of the New York Health Act S4840!!!

Richard Master is the founder and owner of MCS Industries, a world leader in the picture frame and decorative mirror business. Like most US companies, he faces relentless annual cost increases to provide health insurance for his employees.

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 05/17/2017

With Carisa Clark and Jeff Gilbert!

Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 01/13/2017

6 AM: With DJ Rob Maz, in a Hypno-Homage special, remembering some of the incredible souls who passed in 2016.

7 AM: Speaking with Professor Karl Grossman about the great news on the agreement to shut down Indian Point Nuclear Plant!!


Hypnosmoothie Radio playlist for 12/30/2016

For the next show, the Hypno-Homage spinning select cuts from all of our ascended musicians and artists, hosted by yours truly (Pauline Salotti) with special guest DJ Rob Man, email djrobmaz@optonline.net. Title message with Hypno Homage Request!