On Air

Whatever Floats Yer Boat Playlists

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 04/08/2011

Thanks to Peggy from Holbrook!!! Terry from Centereach!

URL for new weather buoy in the Great South Bay! http://po.msrc.sunysb.edu/GSB/B1RT.html

Shipwreck at Saltaire on 3/31/2011 http://saltaire38.blogspot.com/2011/04/wreck-of-lepapillon-on-march-31-2...

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 03/25/2011

It's Radiothon, baby! Support WUSB by pledging online at wusb.fm/pledge, or calling us in the studio. 631-632-6901.

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 03/11/2011

Time to "act as if". Act as if it were spring!!!

Take a boating

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 02/25/2011

Pirates! What do you think about the pirate situation in Somalia? Send me an email to habanero@wusb.fm.

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 02/25/2011

Pirates! What do you think about the pirate situation in Somalia? Send me an email to habanero@wusb.fm.

Power Squadron Boating Courses:
3/1 Greenlawn Library 7pm. Call Stephanie Quarles 631-824-7128
3/1 Hauppauge HS 7:30pm. Alan Hiltunen 631-265-6561
3/1 William Rall Elementary School7:30pm. 631-242-6117
3/2 Syosset HS 7:30pm. Mrs. Egrie 516-364-5751
3/8 Port Washington YC 7:30pm. Bob Miller 516-944-9863
3/15 Valley Stream HS 7:30pm. Ann Wellander 516-293-7773
4/11 Babylon Town Hall Annex 7:30pm. 631-242-6117
4/26 WE Howitt MS, Farmingdale 7:30pm. 631-242-6117

3/4 LI Boat Show @ Nassau Col. 631-691-7050 or www.nyboatshow.com/Nassau

Fly Casting Clinics
3/5 Caleb Smith State Park Preserve 631-265-1054
Connequot River State Park Preserve 631-581-1005

2/26 - 2/27 Suffolk Boat Show @ Suffolk Community College Sports & Exhibition Complex, Brentwood. www.suffolkboatshow.com or 631-834-1355

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 02/11/2011

New music today!!!

Jazz On The Vine!!! Long Island Winterfest

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 01/28/2011

Wild morning!

Don Audio, the 4NZX, DJ Rob live in the studio, and Mark Klein!

Double extra thanks to DJ Rob for the sound track this morning. You can reach Rob - hmm, how can you reach Rob? I know you can go to my Facebook (Habanero WUSB) and find Rob Paterson among my friends, but hopefully I can update this with more direct contact info.

Go see the madmen of the south shore - The 4NZX, Hot Molecule and DJ Rob Friday Jan 28th at Lulu's Village Pub, right next to Tara's with the $1 burgers.

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 01/14/2011

Special guests today! Robert Bruey, self taught singer songwriter, and Eric Powers, environmental educator.

Contact Info:
Robert Bruey
CD's Songs From The Path, Silver Burning Sky (available at cdbaby, iTunes, Amazon)
www.robertbruey.com (best place to purchase music - best way to support the artist)

Watch this haunting musical and visual performance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S5CabGWsv4

Eric Powers www.yc2n.com (Your Connection to Nature), an educational environmentalist.

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 10/22/2010

It's Radiothon! Please phone in your pledge of support. The more calls and pledges we get, the less time we have to be on air to talk about it!

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 10/08/2010

What's happening this month??? Lots of cool stuff to do on the water!


Annual Oyster Bay Festival - 10/16 & 10/17

2010 south shore Fishing Classic (Bluefish & Striped Bass) 10/15 to 10/18 - you MUST register!!! call 631-321-3510 or visit www.nysparks.com

Young Boater's ABC's with the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. Lindenhurst 7-9pm on 10/14, 10/21, 10/29, 11/4 and 11/18 call 631-991-8088

LI Maritime Museum Boat Burning 10/29 5pm www.limaritimemuseum.org

Flanders Antique Car Show 10/10 9am-4pm @ the Flanders Duck on Rt 24

35th Annual Riverhead County Fair 10/10 all day

34th Annual Tobay In-Water Boat Show 10/9 - 10/10 @ Tobay Beach Marina www.nyboatshows.com, or call 631-691-7050

Fall Freshwater Fishing & Children's Fest @ Hempstead Lake Park 10/16 9am-5pm call 631-321-3510 or "I FISH NY" at 631-444-0283

FI Lighthouse Events 631-668-2544 or www.fireislandlighthouse.com
- 10/23 Lantern Tour
- 10/30 Ghost Stories & Legends of FI

Custer Observatory in Southold

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 09/10/2010

Fall Harvest & Seafood Festival - 9/11-12 11am-5pm, Captree State Park

Beach Cleanups for 9/18 (for other dates see www.liboatingworld.com)
Camp Hero 631-668-5000
Hither Hills 631-668-2554
Montauk Point 631-668-5000
Wiildwood 631-929-4314

Great South Bay Society beach clean up 9/25. www.greatsouthbaysociety.org

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 07/30/2010

NOFO Rock & Folk Festival 10 a.m. - 7pm
July 31 & August 1st official website: www.noforockandfolkfest.com
Sat, July 31, 2010 at 10:00 AM
Peconic Bay Winery, Cutchogue, NY
Remaining tours of the Huntington Harbor Light are Aug 8 & 22, and Sept 19. I will be there on August 22 (for those listeners who like to schmooze with celebrities). Boat leaves from Gold Star Battalion Beach in Huntington. Tours are conducted from 11am to 3pm. Kids must be 5 or older. All the info is at: http://huntingtonlighthouse.org/ or call 631-421-1985.
Sun Aug 1st - Jerry Birthday Jam
Fireman’s Park Patchogue NY
12 to 9pm
Dead Ahead
Garcia Grass

wusb pal phil minissale Friday · 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Whole Foods Market
130 New Moriches Road
Lake Grove, NY
Huntington Folk Festival, visit www.fmshny.org and click on the festival link. Saturday, August 7. The free event extends from 1 p.m. into the late evening at Heckscher Park, Main Street (Route 25A) and Prime Avenue,in Huntington.
at the Patchogue Theatre
71 East Main Street Patchogue, Long Island
Presented by Gateway Playhouse
July 7-31

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 07/16/2010

It's FESTIVAL week! Stony Brook film festival, Siren Fest (simulcast right here on WUSB!!!) and the Riverhead Blues Festival! Pamela Betti (and hopefully some of her boys!) will be my guest. We'll have tickets to give away and lots of new music.

Dinghy Shop Kayaking Tours - contact 631-264-0005 or www.dinghyshop.com

54th Annual Babylon Tuna Club Tornament 7/30 - 8/1 - contact Leo 631-774-2361

14th Annual riverhead Moose Fluke Tournament 7/24 - contact Capt. Ray Kelly 631-525-7987 or captray@adventuresinfishing.com

cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum too many cool thing to list!!! check their website www.cshwhalingmuseum.org or call 631-367-3418

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 05/20/2010

Entering the last third of the spring season! One more month to go before summer officially kicks in, and two more weeks until the unofficial start of summer - Memorial Day Weekend!!!

Let's get the party started with a souther rock revival! Tomorrow - Saturday - 5/22 is the Long Island Southern Rock Jam at Overlook Beach.

Wow! Wound up with a whole show of southern rock, and LOTS of requests. Got my exercise this morning running back and forth to the vinyl library. Thanks to my fellow staffers for keeping the library straightened out enough that I could find what I was looking for! I'm not always that lucky.

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 05/06/2010

Let's hear from The Nature Conservancy's Chris Clapp! He'll be updating us on the current status of TNC's project to restore the Great South Bay and their clam stocking project. Contact Chris at cclapp@tnc.org to help with the clam seeding project.

Become familiar with banned invasive species. If found, do not buy these plants for your garden:
Common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica Purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria
Multiflora rose Rosa multiflora Lesser celandine (Fig buttercup) Ranunculus ficaria
Autumn olive Elaeagnus umbellata Porcelain-berry Ampelopsis brevipedunculata
Wineberry Rubus phoenicolasius Border privet Ligustrum obtusifolium
Sericea/Chinese lespedeza Lespedeza cuneata

Banned species found for sale in Suffolk County can be reported to the Suffolk County Department of Consumer Affairs by printing and mailing the complaint form found at http://www.co.suffolk.ny.us/upload/consumeraffairs/pdfs/plantcomplaint.p...
Go native: Purchase plants from the Long Island Native Grass Initiative Plant Sale

Whatever Floats Yer Boat playlist for 04/22/2010

Happy Spring!

Some of the info featured on todays show:

Earthstock celebration TODAY right here on campus! www.stonybrook.edu/earthstock

Long Island Green Homes - Babylon Town wants to PAY YOU to save energy! www.LIGreenHomes.com (631) 422-4411

Fire Island National Seashore (FINS) is opening the Patchogue Ferry Terminal (FINALLY!!!) Join them Sunday 4/25 at 12:30 for a celebration

Friends of the FINS are having their 1st Annual Calendar Art Contest 4/25 - 5/31. ffins.org

Fire Island Lighthouse Preservation Society - Jr. Ranger Day is 4/24 - www.fireislandlighthouse.com

Custer Observatory Sat., April 24, 8:00 PM CONCERT: MUSIC FOR STARGAZING--STORIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF ROCKETS www.CusterObservatory.org