On Air

Tune in: High Low

Clann Na Gael playlist for 01/08/2011

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Maighread Ni DhomhnaillKnickers Of CorduroyNo Dowry
Wake The DeadBanks of Lough Gowna/the Reunion/Friend of the DevilWake The Dead
Maria DunnSailor SongThe Peddler
GandalfTitaptawaThe Celtic Lounge
Stella MarisTo The Promised LandThe Celtic Lounge
FlookGranny: Granny In The AtticRubai
ShoogleniftyThe Nordal RumbaThe Arms Dealer's Daughter
Joan BaezWillie MooreRing Them Bells
Harpeth RisingThe RoadHarpeth Rising*
Old Blind DogsScotland YetWherever Yet May Be*
Karan CaseyShamrock ShoreSonglines
Dick GaughanSong Of ChoiceA Different Kind Of Love Song