On Air

The Melting Pot playlist for 12/04/2010

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Booker T & the MGsMelting PotMelting Pot
Elvis CostelloA Voice in the DarkNational Ransom*
Justin Townes EarleSlippin' and Slidin'Harlem River Blues*
Government MuleBlind Man in the DarkMulenimum*
Los LobosAll My Bridges BurningTin Can Trust*
break + Chemical BrothersSwoonEP*
Andreya TrianaDraw the StarsLost Where I Belong*
Beats AntiqueRising TideBlind Threshold*
Deerhoof vs. Kasai All-StarsTravel Broadens the MindTradi-Mods vs. Rockers: Alternative Takes on Congotronics*
The WalkmenFictoryLisbon*
UnderworldBetween StarsBarking*
GonjasufiLove of ReignThe Caliph's Tea Party*
Marnie SternFemale Guitar Players are the New BlackMarnie Stern*
KopekLove is DeadWhite Collar Lies*
The ThermalsNever Listen to MePersonal Life*
break-Chemical BrothersSwoon
Southside Johnny (with Bruce Springsteen/Little Stevie)I Don't Want to Go HomeLive

The Melting Pot Welcomes SB Journalism student Rob Christie, reading the news/sports/weather on the air at the top of the hours.