On Air

Tune in: High Low

Jim Dexter playlist for 11/30/2010

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Elvis CostelloOne Bell RingingNational Ransom*
Punch BrothersYou AreAntifogmatic*
William BritelleDunes of VermillionTelevision Landscape*
The Ivy WallsHappy CloudsThe Elegant Universe*
Dan FogelbergSong from Half MountainSouvenirs
Michael HedgesSong of the Spirit FarmerTaproot
Pat MethenySueno Con MexicoNew Chataqua
Eric CrugnaleWhat We DeserveCarol Was Here*
Paula ColeMusic In MeIthaca*
Andreya TrianaDraw the StarsLost Where I Belong*

Jim Dexter Show for Tuesday November 30, 2010
Andrew Fortier and his son, Cole visit today to talk about Andy's new record "Your Smile Convinced the World"...and we survived all kinds of construction sounds from below and other mayhem...but...THEY ARE FIXING THE DOOR!!