On Air

Tune in: High Low

Everything Is Broken playlist for 11/30/2010

TODAY we will speak with John Truman Wolfe on the economic crisis both here and abroad. He has been a senior credit officer for two California banks: one in the San Francisco Bay Area, the other in Beverly Hills and is the co-founder of a prestigious Los Angeles based business management company, where, as a registered investment adviser, he oversaw the financial and investment matters of some of the biggest names in Hollywood.

His latest book is "Crisis By Design: The Untold Story of the Global Financial Coup and What You Can Do About It". http://johntrumanwolfe.com
We will also hear from J. David Gray – our resident scribe – for another segment of our SYNERGY project. David’s essay “wireless words” was inspired by my image “the writer” – be sure to view the image at http://tinyurl.com/lvgvsr or http://www.jimlynchphotography.com David’s other writings can be found at http://word-smith.typepad.com/wordsmith

MUSIC today will feature blues singer BIG MAMA THORNTON.