On Air

Tune in: High Low

Everything Is Broken playlist for 11/23/2010

TODAY we will speak in-studio with Ambassador Harsh Bhasin, the current Chair of the Department of Asian & Asian-American Studies here are Stony Brook University. We will be discussing international relations between India, China and the United States. Ambassador Bhasin has been a Visiting Professor of International Relations at SBU since 2001. Before joining Stony Brook, he served as a career diplomat for nearly four decades with overseas assignments that included serving as India’s Ambassador to Botswana, South Africa and Denmark. He was an official observer at South Africa’s first ever non-racial elections that were held in 1994 and which returned Nelson Mandela to power. http://www.stonybrook.edu/aaas

We will also hear from our resident scribe, J. David Gray, for another segment of our SYNERGY project. We chose today to match his essay “I Squandered a Fortune” to my image “abstract#24” – be sure to view the image at http://tinyurl.com/lvgvsr or http://www.jimlynchphotography.com David’s other writings can be found at http://word-smith.typepad.com/wordsmith

MUSIC today will feature David Byrne.