On Air

Everything Is Broken playlist for 08/31/2010

OUR FEATURED GUEST TODAY is SVEN STEINMO, author of “The Evolution of Modern States: Sweden, Japan, and the United States (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)”. http://tinyurl.com/2fotoh7 He is on leave from the University of Colorado, Boulder, working in Italy at the EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE, as Chair, Politial Economy and Public Policy.

J. David Gray will join us for another segment of our SYNERGY project. he will read his essay inspired by the image "grand light show" - be sure to view the image at http://tinyurl.com/lvgvsr or http://www.jimlynchphotography.com for David's other writings go to http://word-smith.typepad.com/wordsmith

TODAY WE ARE FEATURING music from singer/songwriter Greg Brown. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Brown_(folk_musician)