On Air

Tune in: High Low

Sam Taylor's Blues playlist for 08/13/2010

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Link
John Lee HookerMama You got a DaughterVee Jay Yearswww.johnleehooker.com
Freddie KingWoman Across the RiverUltimate Collectionwww.freddiekingsite.com
Otis GrandYoung DevilBlues Sessioins*www.otisgrand.com
Little MiltonBlind manGrits ain't Grocerieswww.littlemilton.com
Jimmy Burnshard Woman to PleaseNight time Again*www.jimmyburnsband.com
Albert KingLaundramat BluesUltimate Collectionstaxrecords.free.fr
Erick HoveyBall and ChainBlues Farm*www.erickhovey.com
Steve JohnsonBadsideBluestoons*www.stevejohnsonblues.com
Lucky Peterson4 Little BoysDouble Dealinwww.luckypeterson.com
JPBluesI will not go QuietlyI will not Go Quietly*www.jpblues.com
Sam TaylorSummertimeLive at Paula Jeanswww.myspace.com
Daddy Mack Blues BandAll Tore up CryinBluefinger*www.myspace.com
StringBeanKill MeLaying Low*www.stringbeanandthestalkers.com
Albert CastigliaCould not ask for moreKeeping on*www.albertcastiglia.com
Phil GrandeSome Kind of HurricaneSome Kind of Hurricane*www.myspace.com
Freddie KingAin't Nobody's BusinessMy Feeling for the Blueswww.freddiekingsite.com
Chrissie O'DellSimple Kind of WomanIf I had a Dime*www.reverbnation.com
JP BluesWhen I'm BoredI will not Go Quietly*www.jpblues.com
Caroline AikenEverything Can ChangeWelcome Home*www.carolineaiken.com
Nasty NedNothing Else can taste that wayRoots 52*www.myspace.com