On Air

Friday Nite Free-Form playlist for 01/24/2025

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
EcholynWater In Our Hands 2Time Silent Radio II*
MagentaThe Devil At The CrossroadsThe Twenty Seven Club
Joe Deninzon & StratospheeriusTripping the Merry-Go-RoundImpostor!*
Joe Deninzon & StratospheeriusChasing the Dragon (feat. Chloe Lowery)Impostor!*
IQBorn BrilliantDark Matter
IQHarvest of SoulsDark Matter
Childish GambinoThis Is America
The CoupOYAHYTT (feat. Lakeith Stanfield)From Sorry To Bother You
Sonus UmbraWhiteout Part 1 Uprising of the MAGAtsWhiteout*
Sonus UmbraAmnesia Junkies Part 3 Pax Aurantiaca AmentiaWhiteout*
GongYou Never Blow Your Trip ForeverYou
FokatelepInditripEz lett a veszted
FokatelepdHal+ílos TavaszEz lett a veszted
ActionfredagTobiasTurist i eget liv (Expanded Edition)
Amelia CoburnOh Captain! Guide Me HomeBetween The Moon and The Milkman*