Clam Radio playlist for 01/09/2025

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Label
Al DiMeolaMedittanean SundanceElegant GypsyLegacy / Columbia
TabaccoNobody, Nobody KnowsM.I.P.ƒ/x Records
Leesah KadeleenaCaves In DevonQualia Of Prompts*ƒ/x Records
Susan DeVitaQueen Of DramamineKama Sutra RodeoMaple City Records
The Kum EdsI Thought You Went AwayQualia Of Prompts*ƒ/x Records
Hampton B. ColesArkanasasStrange VoicesTerminus Records
Alphabet CityEverythingThanx 4 The XsClam Radio Archive
DJ - TalkDJ - TalkDJ -TalkWUSB
Becker & FagenTake It Out On MePop Makers: Brain Tap ShuffleCarinco AG
Donald FagenThe Night Belongs To MonaMorph The CatReprise
The VegetariansLuv You TooAssorted Veggie DelightsAnnellssongs
Mike KeneallyHere Is WhyHatExowax Recordings
Fred BlassiePencil Neck GeekDr. Demento 25th AnniversaryRhino Records
TeddybutFriendlySongs In Tomato SauceKumpelstiltskin Records
Monty PythonCrunchy FrogMonty Python Live At The City CenterArista
The MothersCrusin' For BurgersLive: Fillmore West 1970WUSB Archive
The Brothers NylonBlue PrintLab
DJ - TalkDJ - TalkDJ - TalkWUSB
JTThe Most Dangerous Station In The NationWUSB Jingleƒ/x Records
Stung UpReality Is FallingQualia Of Prompts*ƒ/x Records
My Son the BumMind On A Hard DriveBipola Victrola-
SchtarrenPork GrindsQualia Of Promptsƒ/x Records
TabaccoPeter KearnsSuburban Hermit Musingsƒ/x Records
Peter KearnsGood Buzz On The StreetReclusive NomadModern Voices Distribution
Charles MingusGirl Of My DreamsMingus Ah UmColumbia / Legacy
Glenn Miller OrchestraTuxedo JunctionIn The Digital Mood: Gold Limited EditionDiscMedi S.A.
DJ - TalkDJ - TalkDJ - TalkWUSB
Roberta FlackFeel Like Makin' LoveFeel Like Makin' LoveRhino Atlantic
Moses SumneyQuarrelsAromanticismJagjaguwar
Sara VaughanghettoEsoteric Two StepQualia Of Prompts*ƒ/x Records
BeckLoserMellow GoldDGC
TabaccoAwful Slide Engine BluesSans Lyrics Vol. 3ƒ/x Records
Jonah Griddle and The StacksThat's Just How It RollsYou Get Old You Get Everything*ƒ/x Records
Smokey Lee Webster Jr.That's Just How It RollsQualia Of Prompts*ƒ/x Records
Diana RuinLet The Hunger GrowsQualia Of Prompts*ƒ/x Records
DJ - TalkDJ - TalkDJ - TalkWUSB
David OssmanMark's AwakeningHow Time FlysColumbia / Legacy

Various songs only available on Clam Radio plus a few birthday nods to Donald Fagen, Teddy Kumpel, Susan DeVita, Peter Kearns...